"Co-op to Cafeteria: Building a Food Value Chain for Farm to School" by Blake D. Lineweaver



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Graduation Date


Document Type



Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name

Environmental Studies

School or Department

Environmental Studies


The central theme of this M.S. Environmental Studies portfolio considers farm-to-school as a medium for food system transformation within an innovative regional partnership of producer-owned food hubs and a state education agency. The portfolio consists of three main elements.

The first element is a literature review that examines the holistic farm-to-school model, with a particular focus on local food procurement.

The second element is a strategic communications plan, which was developed as part of an internship project with the Northwest Food Hub Network and the Mission Mountain Food Enterprise Center. The aim of this plan is to promote value-added products in farm-to-school sales.

The third element comprises a series of five profiles that highlight various farm-to-school programs on behalf of the Northwest Food Hub Network.


Farm to school, communication strategy, food value chains, Northwest Food Hub Network, Montana Marinara, value-added products, local food procurement

Subject Categories

Environmental Studies | Food Studies

Co-op to Cafeteria: Building a Food Value Chain for Farm to School
