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Graduation Date


Document Type



Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name

Environmental Studies

School or Department

Environmental Studies


This interdisciplinary portfolio is an investigation into ecological communication through pedagogical design, online collaborative learning spaces, digital and print media, and creative writing. Braiding lenses of queer ecology, decolonial studies, anarchism, and collaborative and creative practice, this work hopes to explore the field of environmental communication through avenues that are reciprocal, community-driven, and oriented towards environmental justice and collective, intersectional liberation. Through the three distinct components of 1) the creation and facilitation of an online learning community, the Spiritual Ecology Study Club at Advaya, 2) the editing and production of two issues of Camas Magazine, an environmental literary magazine based out of Missoula, MT, and 3) a collection of creative writing, this portfolio hopes to demonstrate a diverse and multimedia approach to environmental communication for everyone, from the ground up.


Environmental communication, queer ecology, curriculum design, online learning, environmental media, anarchism, decolonization, creative writing, pedagogy, environmental education, queer theory, environmental literature, environmental justice

Subject Categories

Curriculum and Social Inquiry | Environmental Studies | Instructional Media Design | Nonfiction | Online and Distance Education | Poetry | Queer Studies | Social Justice

(DE)COMPOSITION: Earthen Storytelling for Collective Liberation
