ScholarWorks at University of Montana - UM Graduate Student Research Conference (GradCon): How is Montana Local government Going Digital?: An E-Government Baseline

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

Abstract/Artist Statement

Cities and towns across the planet are leveraging the internet and digital tools to deliver power and information to their citizens. How are Montana's cities and towns keeping up? This first-of-it's-kind research (for Montana) looks into the extent of digital development across 30 Montana city governments.

Mentor Name

Jeffrey Greene

Data.xlsx (51 kB)


Apr 27th, 10:00 AM Apr 27th, 10:15 AM

How is Montana Local government Going Digital?: An E-Government Baseline

UC Ballroom, Pod #2

Cities and towns across the planet are leveraging the internet and digital tools to deliver power and information to their citizens. How are Montana's cities and towns keeping up? This first-of-it's-kind research (for Montana) looks into the extent of digital development across 30 Montana city governments.