
Two antique painted shells representing scenes from Japanese court life, with stand and miniature screen. Screen has two sides- one side is tan with a brown filigree design, the second side is gold. The screen has a split in the middle so it can stand on its own. The stand is wooden and has two slots for the shells to slip into. The shells are smooth with scenes in color accented with gold around the edges. The scenes themselves do not appear to be hand painted.
Shells, Artwork
Original Medium
Shell and Wood
Item Size
27 cm x 9 cm x 9.8 cm
Date Information
Artifact Number
Original Collection
Mike Mansfield Collections, Mss 65, Archives and Special Collections, Mansfield Library, University of Montana
Holding Repository
University of Montana, Mansfield Library Archives and Special Collections
Digital Publisher
University of Montana-- Missoula. Mansfield Library
Image Credit
Image credit: Micaela Connolly, University of Montana
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