
Marked "Imari Yaki Iroe Plate." Porcelain plate with a scalloped edge. The plate features a floral design in red in the center in red, green, gold, and a blue color. Along the rim of the plate, the image depicts a basket of flowers with two butterlies and a golden winged image in a red, golf and white plaid pattern. The images around the rim are repeated 3 times.
tableware, art, decoration
Original Medium
Item Size
19.5 cm diameter x 3 cm height
Date Information
ca. 1850
Artifact Number
Original Collection
Mike Mansfield Collections, Mss 65, Archives and Special Collections, Mansfield Library, University of Montana
Holding Repository
University of Montana, Montana Museum of Art and Culture
Digital Publisher
University of Montana-- Missoula. Mansfield Library
Image Credit
Image credit: Micaela Connolly, University of Montana
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