
Miniature samurai helmet (Kabuto). The helmet displays metal panels that are laced together along the nape of the neck as a typical kabuto would display. The upper portion is created from plastic and metal. The two sides are comprised of curled metal with textile material and other metal embellishments. The metal embellishments are inlayed with mother of pearl. Silk tassels. A dragon figure sits at the front most portion of the top of the helmet with two long metal pieces framing the dragon.
Reproduction, Sculpture, Artwork, Miniature
Original Medium
Textile, plastic, metal
Item Size
31 cm x 18 cm x 34 cm
Date Information
Artifact Number
Original Collection
Mike Mansfield Collections, Mss 65, Archives and Special Collections, Mansfield Library, University of Montana
Holding Repository
University of Montana, Mansfield Library Archives and Special Collections
Digital Publisher
University of Montana-- Missoula. Mansfield Library
Image Credit
Image credit: Micaela Connolly, University of Montana
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