
Five Japanese porcelain teacups with saucers. Green and rust on white. Artist signed. The base of the plate is white porcelain with a rimmed design area divided into three sections. Three of the sections are identical cross hatch/ plaid design in red with a gold circle surrounded by green. The other three sections depict three different colors. the rim is painted gold. All plates are identical. The cups are a base of white porcelain with a design along the outside in 4 sections. Two of the sections are identical with cross hatch/ plaid design in red with a gold circle surrounded by green. The other two sections depict flowers. The cups are identical and match the saucers.
Tableware, Artwork, Decoration
Original Medium
Item Size
Cups: 11 cm x 8.5 cm x 4.7 cm; Saucers: 14.6 cm diameter x 2.2 cm height
Date Information
Artifact Number
Original Collection
Mike Mansfield Collections, Mss 65, Archives and Special Collections, Mansfield Library, University of Montana
Holding Repository
University of Montana, Mansfield Library Archives and Special Collections
Digital Publisher
University of Montana-- Missoula. Mansfield Library
Image Credit
Image credit: Micaela Connolly, University of Montana
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