An Introduction to Noncommutative Geometry

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Presentation Abstract

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Given a system of polynomial equations (in n unknowns) with real coefficients,

f1 (x1,...,xn)= ... fr(x1,...,xn)=0

can we find all real d x d solutions, i.e. can we find all n-tuples of real d x d matrices M1,...,Mn such that

f1(M1,...,Mn)= ... =fr(M1,...,Mn)=0?

When d = 1 , solutions are elements of Rn. The set of all solutions is a geometric object called a variety. Algebraic geometry is the study of the interplay between the geometry of the variety and the nature of the polynomials f1,...,fr

When d >1, it is often true that MNNM for d x d matrices M and N, so in this case, our equations are "noncommutative". Is there still a bridge between the worlds of algebra and geometry? We describe recent efforts to make sense of the notion "noncommutative variety". We shall see that, while some important noncommutative varieties don't have any points, they can be embedded in slightly larger spaces which have enough points so that they can be understood geometrically.

Additional Details

Friday, 8 March 2002
4:10 p.m. in Math 109
Coffee/treats at 3:30 p.m. Math 104 (Lounge)

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