The Instantaneous Pressure-Volume Relationship of the Left Ventricle
Document Type
Presentation Abstract
Presentation Date
Much information about cardiac output and efficiency may be obtained from the instantaneous pressure-volume curve associated with the left ventricle. In this talk I will describe this curve at the various stages of the cardiac cycle and its relevance in ongoing research at the International Heart Institute of Montana. A major hurdle in such research is the difficulty in measuring and/or accurately approximating ventricular volume. Most techniques are either very intrusive or inaccurate. As a way of testing volume approximation techniques, comparisons are made with very accurate approximations of ventricular volume differences during systole. It turns out that the technique for testing the volume approximations may be more valuable to the medical community than the approximations themselves.
Recommended Citation
Stevens, Professor Scott A., "The Instantaneous Pressure-Volume Relationship of the Left Ventricle" (2002). Colloquia of the Department of Mathematical Sciences. 117.
Additional Details
Thursday, 18 April 2002
4:10 p.m. in Math 109
Coffee/treats at 3:30 p.m. Math 104 (Lounge)