A TEXnology Tour

Document Type

Presentation Abstract

Presentation Date



I will show some aspects related to type-setting mathematics, and provide a tour through the wonderful world of TEX. The TEX language, developed by Donald Knuth some twenty years ago, represents the state-of-the art in computer typesetting. I will show how TEX works and give a variety of examples of what TEX and its derivative LATEX can do. The presentation will assume no familiarity with TEX. In addition to elementary examples I will demonstrate some advanced features and show some of the latest applications of TEX, such as creating interactive documents for the world wide web and making colorful slides for presentations.

Additional Details

Thursday, 19 September 2002
4:10 p.m. in Math 109
Coffee/treats at 3:30 p.m. Math 104 (Lounge)

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