The Ramsey number R(3,t) has asymptotic order of magnitude t2/log t
Document Type
Presentation Abstract
Presentation Date
The Ramsey number R(s,t) is the minimum integer n for which every red-blue coloring of the edges of a complete n-vertex graph induces either a red complete graph of order s or a blue complete graph of order t. In this talk, we describe a dynamic probabilistic method which is used to settle an old problem on R(3,t). Namely, R(3,t) has asymptotic order of magnitude t2/logt.
Recommended Citation
Kim, Jeong Han, "The Ramsey number R(3,t) has asymptotic order of magnitude t2/log t" (1998). Colloquia of the Department of Mathematical Sciences. 14.
Additional Details
Thursday, March 5, 1998
4:10 p.m. in MA 109
Coffee/Tea/Treats 3:30 p.m. in MA 104 (Lounge)