Multiplicatively spectrum preserving maps of function algebras II


Rao Nagisetty

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Presentation Abstract

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Let cl A be a closed, point-separating sub-algebra of Cû(X)C , where X is a locally compact Hausdorff space. Assume that X is the maximal ideal space of clA . If ƒ∈clA, the set ƒ(X)∪{0} is denoted by σ(ƒ) . After characterizing the points of the Choquet boundary as strong boundary points this equivalence is used to complete the discussion initiated in a previous paper proving the

Main Theorem: If Φ : cl Acl A is a surjective map with the property that σ(ƒg)=σ(Φ(ƒ)Φ(g)) for every pair of functions ƒ, gcl A , then there is an onto homeomorphism Λ: XX and a signum function g(x) on X such that Φ(ƒ)(Λ(x)) = g(x)ƒ(x) , for all xX and ƒ∈cl A.

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Thursday, 29 April 2004
4:10 p.m. in Jour 304

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