Use of Network Algorithms in Forestry Applications

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Presentation Abstract

Presentation Date



This presentation will describe several forestry applications of network algorithms that can be used to optimize forest road locations, transportation routes, and timber harvesting layouts. Most forest transportation problems dealing with road construction and timber transportation can be solved as non-linear cost minimization problems. Approximate solution methods have been developed and implemented into several computer programs to efficiently solve the non-linear transportation problems. These computer programs include NETWORK2000, NETWORK2001, and CPLAN. NETWORK2000 solves variable and fixed cost, multiple period transportation problems, while NETWORK2001 has the ability to constraint road system length by using weighted objective function components. CPLAN is designed for simultaneously optimizing landing location, harvest equipment, logging profile, and road location using information from a GIS. Both the solution methods and computer programs will be introduced in this presentation.

Additional Details

Thursday, 7 October 2004
4:10 p.m. in Math 109

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