Algebraic Generalization in the Elementary Classroom: Student Thinking and the Mathematical Preparation of Teachers

Document Type

Presentation Abstract

Presentation Date



The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics has recommended the inclusion of algebraic reasoning as an integrated part of the K-12 curriculum beginning in the elementary grades. With this proposed change comes the need to further understand how algebraic generalization is conceptualized and developed in the minds of both students and teachers at the primary level. To this end, this presentation details three bodies of work. The first study focuses on the strategies used by 5th grade students as they attempt to generalize numeric tasks and puts forth a model describing the factors that influence students' use of these strategies. The second part involves a curriculum development project that uses middle school curriculum and student thinking as a catalyst for the mathematical preparation of teachers. The final study describes the aspects of a teacher's knowledge of mathematics, student thinking, and curricular tasks that are utilized when making instructional decisions concerning algebraic generalization.

Additional Details

Monday, 28 February 2005
4:10 p.m. in Math 109

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