"On the Representation Theory of the Virasoro Algebra" by Emilie Wiesner

On the Representation Theory of the Virasoro Algebra

Document Type

Presentation Abstract

Presentation Date



The Virasoro algebra is an interesting Lie algebra from a variety of perspectives. A common way to study Lie algebras is through their modules (or representations), that is, ways that the Lie algebra acts on vectors spaces.

I will give an introduction to the Virasoro algebra and its representation theory, comparing it to the classical Lie algebra sl2(ℂ). In particular, I will discuss simple modules L and Verma modules M, two fundamental types of modules, and their connections to blocks. My own research has focused on the Virasoro algebra module ML. I'll present some of my results on the decomposition of this module by blocks and the potential connections to Hecke algebras and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials for the Viraso algebra, concepts which capture the geometric structure of blocks.

Additional Details

Thursday, 17 March 2005
4:10 p.m. in Math 109

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