"Scissors, Glue, and Hilbert, Too. Hilbert's Third Problem" by Seth Braver

Scissors, Glue, and Hilbert, Too. Hilbert's Third Problem

Document Type

Presentation Abstract

Presentation Date



Your seventh grade teacher may have taught you how to cut a triangle into pieces and glue them together to form a rectangle. She did not teach you the analogous trick in three dimensions -- and with good reason. In 1900, Hilbert conjectured (and Max Dehn proved) that it is impossible to cut a tetrahedron into a finite number of pieces and glue them together to form a rectangular box.

I shall discuss the history of this problem, which extends back to Euclid, and present a modified form of Dehn's proof, accessible to anyone who knows what a group is.

Additional Details

Thursday, 14 September 2006
4:10 p.m. in Math 109

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