On the Foundations of Operator Algebra
Document Type
Presentation Abstract
Presentation Date
When operator algebras were first invented, there was a close link between their theory and developments that were taking place in finite dimensional algebra about the same time. Since then, the two subjects, operator algebra and finite dimensional algebra, i.e., ring theory, have grown apart, following very different paths.
Recent advances in the structure of operator spaces, the theory of which some call Quantized Functional Analysis, have provided new opportunities for interaction between operator algebra and ring theory.
My objective in this colloquium is to describe some of these developments and to illustrate some of the latest technology in this area with concrete, finite dimensional examples.
* An encore video presentation
Recommended Citation
Muhly, Professor Paul, "On the Foundations of Operator Algebra" (1998). Colloquia of the Department of Mathematical Sciences. 31.
Additional Details
Thursday, 3 December 1998
4:10 p.m. in MA 109
Coffee/Tea/Treats 3:30 p.m. in MA 104 (Lounge)
* Originally delivered on June 4, 1998