"Designing a coding scheme to classify technology use in the teaching a" by Hilary Risser

Designing a coding scheme to classify technology use in the teaching and learning of mathematics

Document Type

Presentation Abstract

Presentation Date



The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics identifies technology as an integral part of mathematics teaching and learning. At the same time, there is a debate among mathematics teachers on how technology should be used in the classroom. Previous research has typically addressed the frequency of technology use in the mathematics classroom, but not the role of technology in particular mathematical tasks. Thus, a coding scheme was designed to classify how technology (e.g. graphing calculator, computer program) is utilized by students and teachers completing mathematical tasks. The coding scheme was developed using teacher descriptions of technology use in instruction. The coding scheme was then refined using data from several sources.

Additional Details

Monday, 5 April 2010
3:10 p.m. in Math 103
4:00 p.m. Refreshments in Math Lounge 109

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