Operator Spaces and Convolution of Multilinear Forms
Document Type
Presentation Abstract
Presentation Date
The theory of operator spaces and completely bounded maps is receiving a great deal of attention at present as a new category for the study of Functional Analysis. This area, whose key ideas come from the theory of operator algebras, allows for the extension of many results known for bilinear maps to multilinear maps of the appropriate type. We will present they key concepts and then apply them to a problem in Harmonic Analysis. Namely, given a finite collection of locally compact groups G, H, . . . , K, we will describe how they Banach space of completely bounded, complex-valued multilinear forms on the product CO(G) x . . . x CO(K) can be given the structure of a convolution Banach algebra, extending the classical convolution of measures on G x . . . x K.
Recommended Citation
Schreiber, Professor Bert, "Operator Spaces and Convolution of Multilinear Forms" (2000). Colloquia of the Department of Mathematical Sciences. 59.
Additional Details
Wednesday, 15 March 2000
3:10 p.m. in Math 311
Coffee/treats at 2:30 p.m. Math 104 (lounge)