Cartan subalgebras of non-principal twisted groupoid C*-algebras

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Presentation Abstract

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An algebraic structure called a C-algebra can be built from a group or groupoid (a generalization of a group). In this talk we focus on a special subalgebra, called a Cartan subalgebra, of a particular type of groupoid C-algebra whose multiplication is twisted by a circle-valued 2-cocycle. We identify sufficient conditions on a subgroupoid SG so that the twisted C-algebra generated by S is a Cartan subalgebra of the twisted C-algebra generated by G. We then describe (in terms of G and S) the so-called Weyl groupoid and twist that J. Renault defined in 2008, which give us a different groupoid model for our Cartan pair. Time permitting, we discuss ongoing efforts to apply these results to C-algebras of higher rank graphs. This is joint work with A. Duwenig, E. Gillaspy, S. Reznikoff, and S. Wright.

Additional Details

March 29, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. via Zoom

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