"Measuring Water Waves: Using Pressure to Reconstruct Wave Profiles" by Katie Oliveras

Measuring Water Waves: Using Pressure to Reconstruct Wave Profiles

Document Type

Presentation Abstract

Presentation Date



How does one measure waves in the ocean? And how accurate are these methods at capturing the height and shape of the wave? In this talk, I will discuss an inverse problem related to measuring water-waves using pressure sensors placed inside the fluid. We will begin by introducing the partial differential equations that describe fluid motion. Then, using a non-local formulation of the water-wave problem, we will see how to directly determine the pressure below both traveling-wave and time-dependent solutions of Euler's equations.

This method requires the numerical solution of a nonlinear, nonlocal equation relating the pressure and the surface elevation which is obtained without approximation. From this formulation, a variety of different asymptotic formulas are derived and are compared with both numerical data and physical experiments.

Additional Details

November 8, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. in Math 305

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