Active Learning in College Algebra, College Trig and Precalc: A Demonstration

Document Type

Presentation Abstract

Presentation Date



About one and a half years ago, with the support of Rick Darnell, Fred Peck, and Josh Herring, I started exploring the 'Building Thinking Classrooms' practices (by Peter Liljedahl) in my own classroom. Since last semester, all sections of College Algebra, Trig, and Precalc have been using this approach. The learning assistants program has been vital to this implementation: the program trains and supports these wonderful undergraduate students, who have been very important in creating activities, fostering community, and energizing both students and instructors.

This will be an 'untalk', designed for you to experience a few of the practices, hear from the instructors and learning assistants who have been implementing them, and form your own opinion about the pros and cons.

Additional Details

April 8, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. Math 103

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