"Exploring the Cold Oceans of the North... With Math" by Peter B. Rhines

Exploring the Cold Oceans of the North... With Math

Document Type

Presentation Abstract

Presentation Date



Earth's climate is changing, with both natural cycles and human-induced change. These are not uniform warmings and coolings that

happen everywhere, but instead come in patterns. Natural oscillations of the oceans and atmosphere can make the Labrador Sea chill down while Canada and northern Asia warm.

In this talk we describe how expeditions to the sub-Arctic on ships lead to mathematical models of ocean circulation and its variability. By taking math and physics 'out-doors' we find a world of inviting problems, whose solutions affect our future water supplies, weather and the health of all our ecosystems. And, we also find some adventure in this final wilderness.

Additional Details

Math Awareness Month Event

Peter B. Rhines

Thursday, 12 April 2001
4:10 p.m., North Underground Lecture Hall
Coffee/treats at 3:30 p.m. Math 104 (Lounge)

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