"Lawrence Humble Interview, April 8, 1980" by Lawrence Humble
Lawrence Humble Interview, April 8, 1980


Lawrence Humble


Diann E. Wiesner



Download Audio Interview (79.2 MB)

Download Transcript of Lawrence Humble Interview (299 KB)


Lawrence Humble of Hamilton, Montana, describes his time as a trapper and buyer and seller of fur in Montana, starting in 1910. He talks about how a love of the outdoors and his acquaintance with trapper and game warden Charles Peyton led to his decision to become a trapper. Humble talks about the different kinds of animals he trapped, including muskrats, marten, mink, skunks, coyotes, and beaver. He tells how population numbers and fur prices have changed over time, driven by supply and demand. Humble recalls trapping beaver on the Big Hole River, Montana, and his careful study of the fur market to determine when to buy and sell different furs. He discusses different government policies and how they have impacted trapping, and he describes how trapping has changed over time.

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Document Type

Oral History


Big Hole River, Montana; Trapping, Montana; Bitterroot Valley, Montana; Department of Fish and Game; Fur market; Fur trapping methods; Fur trappers, Montana

Original Date


Time Period

Twentieth century

Geographic Coverage




Original Collection

Fur Trappers Oral History Project, OH 099, Archives and Special Collections, Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula

Digital Publisher

University of Montana--Missoula. Mansfield Library


Copyright to this collection is held by the interview participants and by the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Permission may be required for use. For further information please contact Archives and Special Collections: (406) 243-2053 / library.archives@umontana.edu

Oral History Number

OH 099-001

Media Type

Sound; Text

Original Format

1 sound cassette (01:00:00 min.) analog + 1 transcript (26 p.: 28 cm.)

Digital Format

audio/mp3; application/pdf

Run Time

01:02:07 minutes

Local Filename

OH_099_001.mp3; OH_099_001.pdf

Lawrence Humble Interview, April 8, 1980
