Ernest Kraft
Frank Rose recalls how he became foreman at the National Bison Range in the fall of 1923. He explains his rationale for reducing the size of the bison herd discusses the records he kept of the disposal program. Rose describes some of his experiences managing the National Bison Range, including dealing with sick animals, vaccinating calves to prevent disease, selling butchered bison, and culling the herd. Rose and Young discuss a man by the name of Trisky, after whom Trisky Creek was named because he shot a number of buffalo at the head of the creek. Rose also recounts some dangerous encounters he had bison and elk on the Range.
Document Type
Oral History
National Bison Range; National Bison Range management; National Bison Range disposal program; Bison herds; Buffalo herds; Frank Rose; William J. B. “Ike” Melton; Jess Evans; Rude Nesse; Range management; Livestock management; Wildlife management; George E. Mushbach; Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge; Trisky Creek
Original Date
Time Period
Twentieth century
Geographic Coverage
Original Collection
National Bison Range Oral History Project, OH 149, Archives and Special Collections, Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula
Digital Publisher
University of Montana--Missoula. Mansfield Library
Copyright to this collection is held by the interview participants and by the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Permission may be required for use. For further information please contact Archives and Special Collections: (406) 243-2053 / library.archives@umontana.edu
Oral History Number
OH 149-005c
Media Type
Sound; Text
Original Format
1 reel-to-reel: analog + 1 transcript (30 p.: 28 cm.)
Digital Format
audio/mp3; application/pdf
Run Time
01:08:23 minutes
Local Filename
OH_149_005_c.mp3; OH_149_005_c.pdf
Rose, Frank H. and Young, Clarence, "Frank H. Rose and Clarence “Cy” Young Interview, circa 1965" (1965). National Bison Range Oral History Project. 9.