This collection of documents generally referred to as "press releases" chronicles the activities, events, individuals, and organizations associated with the University of Montana in Missoula (UM). Releases were sent by UM's University Relations office to various media for broadcast and publication. The online collection currently contains releases from 1928 and from 1956-to the present. (Note: UM was named Montana State University from 1935-1965.) Physical copies of all extant releases through 2009 are held by the Mansfield Library’s Archives and Special Collections.
Submissions from 2003
Great Griz Encounter features Monte, coaches, players, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Second Afghan student joins UM, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Community buildings workshop set for Aug. 27 at UM, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Annual career fair matches UM students with jobs, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Firefighters receive deadline extensions at UM, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Prominent pathologist speaks at UM, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Montana companies sought for Australian trade opportunity, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Billings students earn UM business school scholarships, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Bozeman student earns UM business school scholarships, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Browning student earns UM business school scholarships, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Butte, Anaconda students earn UM business school scholarships, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Charlo student earns UM business school scholarships, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Chinook student earns UM business school scholarship, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Corvallis student earns UM business school scholarships, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Don’t miss Monte at the Montana Fair, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Don't miss Monte at the state fair, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Don't miss Monte at the Western Montana Fair, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Fort Benton student earns UM business school award, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Glasgow student earns UM business school scholarship, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Great Falls-area students earn UM business school scholarships, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Havre student earns UM business school scholarship, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Helena-area students earn UM business school scholarships, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Kalispell students earn UM business school scholarships, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Lake County students earn UM business school scholarships, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Laurel student earns UM business school scholarship, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Lewis and Clark events hit Sacagawea State Park, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Livingston students earn UM business school scholarships, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Miles City students earns UM business school scholarships, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Missoula-area students earn UM business school scholarships, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
News director receives four awards for Montana Public Radio, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Philipsburg student earns UM business school scholarship, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Shelby students earn UM business school scholarships, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Students earn UM business school scholarships, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
UM debuts travel information kiosks, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
University of Montana events Friday, July 25, through Thursday, August 14, 2003, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
White Sulphur Springs student earns UM business school scholarship, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Fulbright scholar from Kyrgyzstan plans study at UM, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Tour offers exploration of native plants, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
UM law student wins essay contest, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
New director hired for UM's Mansfield Center, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
University of Montana events Wednesday, July 16, through Tuesday, July 22, 2003, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Museum hosts talk with American Indian artists, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
UM student from Lolo takes third in essay contest, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
UM student from Mechanicsburg wins essay contest, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Dutton student earns scholarship, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Montana teachers will travel to Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
UM law students compete in international negotiation competition, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
UM presents short course on international criminal law, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
UM student from Missoula puts academics to work, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Law negotiation team heads to internationals, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations