This collection of documents generally referred to as "press releases" chronicles the activities, events, individuals, and organizations associated with the University of Montana in Missoula (UM). Releases were sent by UM's University Relations office to various media for broadcast and publication. The online collection currently contains releases from 1928 and from 1956-to the present. (Note: UM was named Montana State University from 1935-1965.) Physical copies of all extant releases through 2009 are held by the Mansfield Library’s Archives and Special Collections.


Submissions from 1961


Hugh D. Galusha Jr. and Sidney O. Smith to speak at Montana State University Tax Institute, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Montana State University awarded National Science Foundation grant to continue physics research, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


National Moot court Competition regional arguments scheduled for November 17 and 18 at MSU Law School, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Montana radio stations are carrying a record number of Montana State University programs, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


High school research awards to be presented by the Academy of Sciences, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


William G. Baucus, Clarence D. Misfeldt, Dale Forbes, and Ward F. Junkermier to speak at Montana State University Tax Institute, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Seattle lawyer donates additional $200 to the George H. Bovingdon Scholarship fund, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


William J. Griffiths Jr. receives U.S. Public Health Service grant, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


First in a series of clinics planned to extend professional music aid to Montana schools slated for Kalispell, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Walter Hook given one of the top purchase awards at California Water Color Society Exhibition, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Jerome J. Kesselman to speak at Montana State University Tax Institute, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Study of ACT Program validates college entrance test scores, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Montana State University President H. K. Newburn stresses importance of voluntary support in maintaining the quality of the University's program, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Montana State University Endowment Foundation to hold annual meeting in late October, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Rene A. Wormser to speak at the Montana State University Tax Institute, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


MSU Radio-TV Studios to set up trailer with Transcontinent Communications Systems, Inc. equipment, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Almeda E. Mann receives Gold Key from the Montana State University School of Journalism, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Montana State University receives National Science Foundation grant, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


12th annual meeting of the Montana Interscholastic Editorial Association to be held at Montana State University, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Gloria C. Hewitt, James F. Cotter, Herbert A. Alf, and Jack S. Guthrie appointed to the Montana State University faculty, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Clyde M. Senger selected to participate in the nationwide Visiting Biologists Program of the American Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Montana State University receives U.S. Public Health Service grant to study Bordetella pertussis, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Montana State University research on phalarope, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Montana urban planning problems under study at Montana State University, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


J. Hart Willis renews scholarship fund for Montana State University Law School, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


National Science Foundation Mathematics Institute conducted at Montana State University, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Tax Institute scheduled for December 1 and December 2, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Six new appointments to the Montana State University foreign languages faculty, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


ACT test date announced, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


New appointments in Montana State University College of Arts and Sciences, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


John L. Wailes receives U.S. Public Health Service grant, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


John M. Stewart awarded Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society grant, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


John Hower returns to Montana State University geology faculty, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Montana State University departments add instructors to their staffs, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Law School Admission Test to be given in November, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Montana State University faculty appointments, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Paul Chrisler Phillips Memorial Collection created at Montana State University, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Montana state University distinguished alumni, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Classes of 1911 and 1936 to be honored during Montana State University's Homecoming weekend, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Montana State University Law School starts classes in new building, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Wilbur Funk wins Montana State University song contest, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Change in time of National Broadcasting Co. course in American government telecast, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Montana Grizzlies to play New Mexico University for Homecoming Game, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Nationally televised course in American government to be offered to western Montanans this fall, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Kappa Epsilon sweeps national pharmaceutical fraternity's award banquet, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Leo Smith issues reminder that former students should notify MSU registrar immediately if they are returning fall quarter, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Special to Weeklies, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Orientation Week to start September 17, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Montana State University law building dedication, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations


Montana State University to confer honorary degrees, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations