
Case Summary Citation

W. Org. Res. Councils, et al. v. U.S. Bureau of Land Mgmt., No. 4:20-cv-00076-GF-BMM, 2022 WL 3082475 (D. Mont. Aug. 3, 2022)


The United States District Court for the District of Montana granted Plaintiffs summary judgment against BLM and the State of Wyoming. The court ruled that BLM violated NEPA and the APA because it failed to consider alternative leasing programs and the broad downstream impacts of coal, oil, and gas leasing in two Powder River Basin resource management plans. This decision followed WORC I & II, in which the court remanded the same plans to BLM to correct deficiencies. Following BLM’s revisions, Plaintiffs again sued in this case, arguing the revisions were still deficient under NEPA.



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