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In this Practically Perfect Parenting Podcast, Dr. Sara starts off by spoiling the romantic hopes and dreams of everyone—including Dr. John. Instead of embracing fairy tale relationship patterns that include love, sex, babies, and happiness, Sara offers a rather depressing list of reasons why having children tends to decrease relationship satisfaction. Fortunately, later in the show she also provides a list of excellent ideas and solutions that should give us all hope for the happily ever after ending. John’s role in this episode mostly involves him scratching his head and asking Sara what the heck she means by “cyber-flirting,” “soft start-ups,” and “magic ratios,” while, at the same time, expressing relief, because on a podcast, no one can see him blush. This podcast is brought to you by the Charles Engelhard Foundation, and the National Parenting Education Network.
Date Published
Run Time
26 minutes, 28 seconds
Digital File Format
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© 2017 Practically Perfect Parenting Podcast. All Rights Reserved. Duplication Without Authorization Prohibited.
Recommended Citation
Sommers-Flanagan, John and Polanchek, Sara, "Love, Sex, Babies, and Happiness" (2017). Practically Perfect Parenting Podcast. 20.