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When it comes to boastful lying, there’s no better example than Penelope, one of Kristen Wiig’s characters on SNL. Penelope is incessantly popping up here and there, basically lying her ass off. The purpose of Penelope’s lies appear relatively straightforward. She seems to be insecure on the inside, therefore, she boasts and brags about her amazing accomplishments, constantly “one-upping” anything that anyone else says.
On second thought, maybe there’s another fictional-nonfiction character who does her one better in the lying department, but let’s not go there.
This Practically Perfect Parenting podcast on lying focuses on two key issues: (1) Why children lie . . . and (2) How parents can handle their children’s lying in ways that encourage honesty.
Sara and John review many different motivations for lying. These include, but are not limited to Penelope’s ego-boosting motivation. For parents, it can be helpful to understand the goals of your children’s lies. Obviously (or maybe not so obviously), if your children lie because they’re afraid to admit they did something wrong, then using harsh punishment with your children may make them even more afraid to tell you the truth and more inclined to lie and more likely to become even better liars.
Not surprisingly, in this episode, John tells a few lies. You’ll have to listen to see how Sara handles him.
Date Published
Run Time
26 minutes, 56 seconds
Digital File Format
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© 2018 Practically Perfect Parenting Podcast. All Rights Reserved. Duplication Without Authorization Prohibited.
Recommended Citation
Sommers-Flanagan, John and Polanchek, Sara, "Why Kids Lie and What to Do About It" (2018). Practically Perfect Parenting Podcast. 27.