"Robert Wolf Interview, November 15, 1989" by Robert E. Wolf
Robert Wolf Interview, November 15, 1989


Robert E. Wolf


Dan Hall



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Download Transcript of Robert Wolf Interview, November 15, 1989 (162 KB)


Robert Wolf discusses disaster aid policy through overviews of four events: the Montana earthquake of 1959 and the impact on the Madison River, the Alaskan earthquake of 1964 and the impact on the railroad, Mount St. Helens, and the East coast hurricane of 1960. Some significant personalities mentioned are Senator Lee Metcalf, Montana Governor Huge Aronson, Senator Clinton Presba Anderson, and Lyndon Johnson. Wolf closes with a brief overview of the Disaster Relief Act of 1965.

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Document Type

Oral History


Anderson, Clinton Presba, 1895-1975; Aronson, J. Hugo (John Hugo), 1891-1978; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973; Metcalf, Lee, 1911-1978; Wolf, Robert, 1920-2005 – Interviews; Dan Hall; United States. Congress. Senate; United States. Pacific Northwest Disaster Relief Act of 1965; Alaska Earthquake, Alaska, 1964; Disaster relief -- Government policy -- United States; Earthquake relief -- United States; Earthquakes – Alaska; Earthquakes – Montana; Hurricane Donna, 1960; Governors – Montana; Railroads -- Earthquake effects – Alaska; Madison River (Wyo. and Mont.); Saint Helens, Mount (Wash.) -- Eruption, 1980; Interviews – Montana; Oral histories -- Montana

Original Date


Time Period

Twentieth century

Geographic Coverage

United States



Original Collection

Robert Wolf Interviews Oral History Project, OH 227, Archives and Special Collections, Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula

Digital Publisher

University of Montana--Missoula. Mansfield Library


Copyright to this collection is held by the interview participants and by the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Permission may be required for use. For further information please contact Archives and Special Collections: (406) 243-2053 / library.archives@umontana.edu

Oral History Number

OH 227-031

Media Type

Sound; Text

Original Format

1 sound cassette (01:00:00 min.) analog + 1 transcript (16 p.: 28 cm.)

Digital Format

audio/mp3; application/pdf

Run Time

00:45:21 minutes

Local Filename

OH_227_031.mp3; OH_227_031.pdf

Robert Wolf Interview, November 15, 1989
