Submissions from 2024
Allocating Recreation with Fairness at the Forefront: A Research-Based Planning and Management Guidebook, Kelsey E. Phillips, William L. Rice, Christopher A. Armatas, Nick Pitas, and Suiwen (Sharon) Zou
Introducing the Western Wildlands Digital Archive, Will Rice
Answering the Dam Question: Visitor Perspectives on Removing and Maintaining Dams in Wilderness, William L. Rice and Christopher A. Armatas
Submissions from 2023
A Scoping Literature Review of Fairness and Equity Engagement in US River Recreation Allocation Research, Kelsey E. Phillips and William Rice
Exploring Underserved Communities’ Perspectives on Wilderness Character in Everglades National Park, Elena R. Thomas, Jaclyn F. Rushing, William L. Rice, Jennifer M. Thomsen, and Christopher A. Armatas
Submissions from 2022
Exclusionary Effects of Campsite Allocation through Reservations in U.S. National Parks: Evidence from Mobile Device Location Data, William L. Rice, Jaclyn R. Rushing, Jennifer M. Thomsen, and Peter Whitney
Constraints to Wilderness Recreation: A Scoping Review of Existing Research, Elena R. Thomas, William L. Rice, Jaclyn R. Rushing, Jennifer M. Thomsen, and Christopher A. Armatas
Submissions from 2021
Mapping spatial dimensions of Wilderness recreation outcomes: a study of overnight users, Erinn Drage, William L. Rice, Zachary D. Miller, Jennifer N. Newton, Ashley D. D'Antonio, Peter Newman, and B. Derrick Taff
Distribution of Visitor Use Management Research in US Wilderness from 2000 to 2020: A Scoping Review, William L. Rice, Christopher A. Armatas, Jennifer M. Thomsen, and Jaclyn R. Rushing
The campers’ conundrum: Examining setting’s influence on campsite choice using big data, William L. Rice and Soyoung Park
“On the Staff of the Grand Canyon”: Assessing Manager and Stakeholder Perspectives on Sustainable Wilderness Visitor Use Management, William L. Rice, Oakes Spivey, Peter Newman, and B. Derrick Taff
Using Google’s Mobility Data to understand park visitation during the COVID-19 pandemic: A note of caution, William Rice and Bing Pan
Submissions from 2020
Pavement treatment type influences visitor experiences related to vehicular road sound in Death Valley National Park, Zachary D. Miller, William L. Rice, Peter Newman, B. Derrick Taff, Jake Gottschalk, Caleb Meyer, and J. Adam Beeco
Changes in recreational behaviors of outdoor enthusiasts during the COVID-19 pandemic: analysis across urban and rural communities, William L. Rice, Timothy J. Mateer, Nathan Reigner, Peter Newman, Ben Lawhon, and B. Derrick Taff
Managing Cultural Resources On The Alaska Peninsula, Laura Stelson, William L. Rice, and B. Derrick Taff
Submissions from 2014
Tourism and protected areas: A growing nexus of challenge and opportunity, Stephen F. McCool and Anna Spenceley
Meanings and robustness: Propositions for enhancing benefit sharing in social-ecological systems, Ernita van Wyk, Charles Breen, and Wayne A. Freimund
Submissions from 2010
Managing the National Forests Through Place-Based Legislation, Martin Nie and Michael Fiebig
Submissions from 2009
Threats and Changes Affecting Human Relationships with Wilderness: Implications for Management, William T. Borrie, Robert G. Dvorak, and Alan E. Watson
Submissions from 2008
Recreation Visitor Attitudes Towards Management-ignited Prescribed Fires in the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex, Montana, William T. Borrie, Katie Knotek, Alan E. Watson, Joshua G. Whitmore, and David Turner
Submissions from 2007
“Changing Relationships with Wilderness: A New Focus for Research and Stewardship, William T. Borrie and Robert G. Dvorak
Describing Change in Visitors and Visits to the “Bob”, William T. Borrie and Stephen McCool
A Look Inside the Dynamics of Trust: A Guide for Managers, Adam Liljeblad, Alan E. Watson, and William T. Borrie
Submissions from 2006
Trust in Wildland Fire and Fuel Management Decisions, William T. Borrie and Adam Liljeblad
Wildland Fire Effects on Visits and Visitors to the Bob Marshal Wilderness Complex, William T. Borrie, Stephen McCool, and Joshua G. Whitmore
Public Response to Park and Recreation Funding and Cost-saving Strategies: The Role of Organizational Trust and Committment, William T. Borrie, Andrew J. Mowen, Gerard T. Kyle, and Alan R. Graefe
Monitoring the Relationship Between the Public and Public Lands: Application to Wilderness Stewardship in the U.S., Alan E. Watson and William T. Borrie
Exploring the Usefulness of the Dispositional Flow Scale for Outdoor Recreation Activities, Joshua G. Whitmore and William T. Borrie
Submissions from 2005
Assessing the Accuracy of Respondents Reports of the Location of Their Home Relative to a National Forest Boundary and Forest Cover, John D. Baldridge, James T. Sylveste, and William T. Borrie
Submissions from 2004
Why Primitive Experiences in Wilderness?, William T. Borrie
Submissions from 2002
Public Purpose Recreation Marketing: A Focus on the Relationships Between the Public and Public Lands, William T. Borrie, Neal A. Christensen, Alan E. Watson, Theron A. Miller, and Daniel McCollum
Assessing the Relationship Between Desired Experiences and Support for Management Actions at Yellowstone National Park Using Multiple Methods, William T. Borrie, Mae .. Davenport, Wayne A. Freimund, and Robert E. Manning
Winter visitors to Yellowstone National Park, their value orientations and support for management actions, William T. Borrie, Wayne A. Freimund, and Mae A. Davenport
Effective Recreation Visitor Communication Strategies: Rock Climbers in the Bitterroot Valley, Montana, William T. Borrie and James A. Harding
Submissions from 2001
Approaches to Measuring Quality of the Wilderness Experience, William T. Borrie and Robert M. Birzell
Crossing Methodological Boundaries: Assessing Visitor Motivations and Support for Management Actions at Yellowstone National Park Using Quantitative and Qualitative Research Approaches, William T. Borrie, Wayne A. Freimund, Mae A. Davenport, and Robert E. Manning
The Dynamic, Emergent, and Multi-Phasic Nature of On-Site Wilderness Experiences, William T. Borrie and Joseph W. Roggenbuck
Submissions from 2000
Women, Wilderness, and Everyday life: A Documentation of the Connection between Wilderness Recreation and Women's Everyday lives, William T. Borrie, Sarah L. Pohl, and Michael E. Patterson
Examining Winter Visitor Use in Yellowstone National Park, Mae A. Davenport, Wayne A. Freimund, William T. Borrie, Robert E. Manning, William A. Valliere, and Benjamin Wang
Factors That Limit Compliance With Low-Impact Recommendations, James A. Harding, William T. Borrie, and David N. Cole
Submissions from 1999
Protected Area Planning Principles and Strategies, William T. Borrie, Stephen McCool, and George H. Stankey
Submissions from 1998
The Problem Of Verbal Reports In Recreation Research: Review, Recommendations, and New Directions, Bill Borrie