This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2007
DRAM 415.01: Acting VI - Company: Theatre of the Extreme, Noah Tuleja
DRAM 437.01: Advanced Acting - Acting for the Camera I, Michael Murphy
DRAM 461.01: Theatre Sound II, Malcolm Lowe
DRAM 480.01: Directing II, Noah Tuleja
DRAM 501.01: Problems in Playwriting, Randy Bolton
DRAM 507A.01: Technical Production Construction I, Michael Monsos
DRAM 508.01: Design Production Assignment, Michael Monsos
DRAM 510.01: Problems in Voice/Speech - Mask Characterization, Jillian Campana
DRAM 512.01: Problems in Movement/Dance - Graduate Movement, Noah Tuleja
DRAM 522.01: Graduate Seminar in Theatre History, Randy Bolton
DRAM 595.03: Special Topics - Furniture Construction, Michael Monsos
EDLD 625.01: Quantitative Research, William P. McCaw
ENEX 101.01: Composition - Writing about Film, Sean O'Brien
EVST 167H.01: Nature and Society (in Western Society), Daniel Spencer
EVST 201.01: Environmental Information Resources, Vicki J. Watson and Barry N. Brown
EVST 295.01: Environmental Humanities and Policy Research, Barry Brown and Daniel Spencer
EVST 302.01: Introduction to Environmental Regulation, Leonard Broberg
EVST 373A: Nature Works - Writing about Nature & Environment, Phil Condon
EVST 420.01: The U.S. Environmental Movement, Tom Roy
EVST 427E.01: Environmental Ethics, Deborah Slicer
EVST 450.01: Food, Agriculture and Environment, Neva Hassanein
EVST 495.01: Exploring Place-Based Education, Steve Archibald
EVST 495.03: Agriculture and Environmental Ethics, Dane Scott
EVST 521.01: Foundations in Environmental Education, Fletcher Brown
EVST 531.01: Citizen Participation, Leonard Broberg and Bryony Jane Schwan
EVST 594.01: Graduate Seminar - The Political Economy of Food and Agriculture, Jeff Schahczenski
EVST 594.02: Publishing - The Next Steps, Phil Condon
EVST 594.04: Graduate Seminar - Local Land Use Policy, Robin Saha
EVST 594.05: Exploring Place-Based Education, Steve Archibald
EVST 594.05: Graduate Seminar - Conservation Strategies, Robert J. Kiesling
FIN 228.01: Personal Financial Planning and Investment, Bruce Costa
FIN 322.01: Business Finance, Timothy A. Manuel
FOR 210.01: Introductory Soils, Cory C. Cleveland
FOR 373.01: Wilderness and Civilization, Laurie Ashley
FREN 201.01: Intermediate French I, Emilie L. Methy
FREN 202.30: Intermediate French II, Emilie L. Methy
HHP 430.01: Health Aspects of Aging, Ann K. Williams
HIST 151H.01: The Americans - Conquest to Capitalism, Kyle G. Volk
HIST 240H.01: History and Philosophy of Science, Stephen R. Grimm
HS 430.01: Health Aspects of Aging, Ann K. Williams
IS 270.01: Management Information Systems, David R. Firth
IS 341.00: Operations Management, Clayton A. Looney and Eric Lee Tangedahl
IS 341.01: Operations Management, Belva L. Jones
IS 341.01: Operations Management, Clayton A. Looney and Lee N. Tangedahl
IS 372.01: Telecommunications Management, Ryan Wright
IS 448.01: Management Game, Lee N. Tangedahl
IS 472.01: Advanced Network Management, Ken Burrington
IS 476.01: Project Management, Belva L. Jones
LS 119H.01: Philosophical Perspectives on Women in the Western Hemisphere, Kelly McGanon
LS 151L.01: Introduction to the Humanities, Elizabeth A. Hubble
LS 151L.02: Introduction to the Humanities, Phil Fandozzi
LS 151L.06: Introduction to the Humanities, Mark J. Hanson
LS 151L.07: Introduction to the Humanities, Mark J. Hanson
LS 152L.01: Introduction to the Humanities, Mark J. Hanson
LS 152L.02: Introduction to the Humanities, Paul A. Dietrich
LS 152L.03: Introduction to Humanities, Phil Fandozzi
LS 152L.04: Introduction to the Humanities, Elizabeth A. Hubble
LS 152L.04: Introduction to the Humanities, Elizabeth A. Hubble
LS 152L.05: Introduction to the Humanities, Elizabeth A. Hubble
LS 161H.01: Introduction to Asian Humanities, Brigitta Lee
LS 180L.01: Introduction to Film, Sean O'Brien
LS 341H.01: Roman and Early Christian Art in Context, H. Rafael Chacon
MBA 601.01: Career and Leadership Skills Seminar, Clyde W. Neu
MBA 603.01: Integrated Project Management, Clyde W. Neu
MBA 605.01: Administrative Accounting Controls, Edward J. Guay
MBA 605.60: Administrative Accounting Controls, Edward J. Guay
MBA 640.01: Organizational Behavior, Bambi M. Douma
MBA 640.60: Organizational Behavior - Evening Section, Bambi M. Douma
MBA 694.01: Entrepreneurship I, Jeffrey Shay
MBA 694.81: Seminar - Managing Customer Complaints as a Source of Competitive Advantage (Honors), Nader H. Shooshtari
MCLG 361H.01: Roman and Early Christian Art in Context, H. Rafael Chacon
MGMT 340S.01: Management and Organizational Behavior, Aaron W. Andreason
MGMT 344.01: Human Resource Management, Bambi M. Douma
MGMT 368.01: International Business, Sherry L. Liikala
MGMT 444.01: Management Communications, Mary Ellen Campbell
MGMT 465.01: World Trade and Commerce, Arnold Sherman
MGMT465.01: World Trade and Commerce, Arnold Sherman
MGMT 480.02: Cross-Cultural Management, Aaron W. Andreason
MGMT 540.01: Management and the Legal System, Daniel Cahalan
MKTG 360.01: Marketing Principles, Carol L. Bruneau
MKTG 360.01: Marketing Principles, Rob VanDriest
MKTG 360.02: Marketing Principles, Rob VanDriest
MKTG 360.03: Marketing Principles, Sherry L. Liikala
MKTG 360.04: Marketing Principles, Catherine Claro
MKTG 362.01: Consumer Behavior, Carol L. Bruneau
MKTG 362.02: Consumer Behavior, Carol L. Bruneau
MKTG 366.01: Marketing Research, Monica LaBarge
MKTG 461.01: Marketing Management, Simona Stan
MKTG 495.01: Special Topics - Marketing Field Experience, Sherry L. Liikala
MKTG 495.01: Sports Marketing, Carol L. Bruneau
MUS 100A.01: Performance Study - Euphonium, Lance R. Boyd
MUS 100A.02: Performance Study - Tuba, Lance R. Boyd
MUS 100A.03: Performance Study - Cello, Fern A. Glass
MUS 100A.04: Performance Study - Clarinet, Maxine Ramey
MUS 100A.05: Performance Study - Voice, David Cody
MUS 100A.07: Performance Study - French Horn, Roger Logan
MUS 100A.08: Performance Study - Harpsichord, Nancy Cooper
MUS 100A.09: Performance Study - Oboe, Roger Dale McDonald
MUS 100A.11: Performance Study - Percussion, Robert LedBetter
MUS 100A.12: Performance Study - Piano, Steven K. Hesla and Christopher Charles Hahn