This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2000
HIST 269.01: Montana, Harry W. Fritz
HIST 300.01: The Historian's Craft, Anya Jabour
HIST 306.01: Medieval World - The Barbarian West, 284 A.D. - 1000 A.D., William E. Farr
HIST 332.01: The Global Diplomacy of the Cold War and American Foreign Policy, Paul G. Lauren
HIST 339.01: European Cultural and Intellectual History - The Nineteenth Century, Richard Drake
HIST 341.01: Britain to 1688, John A. Eglin
HIST 357.01: The Age of Reform, Michael S. Mayer
HIST 358.01: United States Since 1945, Michael S. Mayer
HIST 360.01: Rural Radicalism in America, 1700-2000, Ken Lockridge
HIST 365.01: The 19th Century American West, Dan M. Flores
HIST 370.01: Women in America through the Civil War, Anya Jabour
HIST 400.01: Historiography, Richard Drake
HIST 437.01: Dynamics of Diplomacy & International Relations, Paul G. Lauren
HIST 465.01: History of Indian Affairs to 1865, Richmond C. Clow
HIST 585.01: Latin American History, Pamela Voekel
JOUR 227.01: Photojournalism, G. Keith Graham
JOUR 228.01: Intermediate Photojournalism, Laura L. Camden
JOUR 270.01: Beginning Reporting, Sharon Barrett
JOUR 270.02: Beginning Reporting, Sheri Venema
JOUR 328.01: Advanced Photojournalism, Laura L. Camden
JOUR 340.01: Feature Writing, Sharon Barrett
JOUR 380.01: News Editing, Sheri Venema
JOUR 461.01: New Media, G. Keith Graham
JOUR 481.01: Senior Seminar, Jerry E. Brown and Greg MacDonald
JOUR 580.01: Graduate Seminar - Journalism and Society, Michael Downs
LING 270.01: Introduction to Linguistics, Robert Hausmann
LING 465.01: Structure of Modern English for Teachers, Deirdre Black
LING 470.01: Introduction to Linguistic Analysis, Nancy Mattina
LING 472.01: Generative Syntax and Semantics, Nancy Mattina
LING 474.01: Language History, Variety, and Change, Deirdre Black
LING 475.01: Linguistic Field Methods, Anthony Mattina
LING 477.01: Bilingualism, Tully J. Thibeau
LING 494.01: ESL Senior Seminar, Robert Hausmann
LING 570.01: Problems in Linguistic Analysis, Anthony Mattina
LING 570.02: Seminar in Second Language Pedagogy, Tully J. Thibeau
LING 575.01: Seminar in Teaching English for Academic Purposes, Robert Hausmann
LS 151.01: Introduction to Western Humanities, Judith Johnson
LS 151.01: Introduction to Western Humanities, Judith Johnson
LS 151.02: Introduction to Western Humanities, Judith Johnson
LS 151.03: Introduction to Western Humanities, David Clark
LS 151.04: Introduction to Western Humanities, Laure Pengelly
LS 151.06: Introduction to Western Humanities, Stacia Graham
LS 151.08: Introduction to Western Humanities, Michael M. Kreisberg
LS 151.09: Introduction to Western Humanities, Michael M. Kreisberg
LS 151.70: Freshman Interest Group - East/West, Phil R. Fandozzi
LS 151.80: Introduction to Western Humanities - Honors, Phil R. Fandozzi
LS 151.81: Introduction to Western Humanities - Honors, Lorina Quartarone
LS 152.01: Introduction to Western Humanities II, Judith Johnson
LS 180.01: Introduction to Film, Lynn Purl
LS 232.01: Introduction to Buddhism, Bradley S. Clough
LS 381.01: American Indians and Film - Honors, Lynn Purl
LS 381.01: War on Film, Lynn Purl
LS 395.01: Hinduism, Anthony Tribe
LS 395.01: Political Imagination in Literature - Honors, Ron Perrin
MAR 111A.01: Fundamentals of Media Arts Production, Richard Paul Hughes
MAR 311.01: Integrated Media Production, Richard Paul Hughes
MAR 508.01: Media Arts Production, Richard Paul Hughes
MATH 002T.00: Prealgebra, Barbara Zuuring
MATH 005.00: Introductory Algebra, Unknown
MATH 100.00: Intermediate Algebra, Unknown
MATH 107.01: Contemporary Mathematics, Christine Willison
MATH 107.02: Contemporary Mathematics, Christine Willison
MATH 107.03: Contemporary Mathematics, Lily Eidswick
MATH 107.04: Contemporary Mathematics, William Gaeuman
MATH 117.01: Probability and Linear Mathematics, Joyce Schlieter
MATH 117.03: Probability and Linear Mathematics, Karel M. Stroethoff
MATH 121.04: Precalculus, Carol A. Ulsafer
MATH 121.09: Precalculus, Carol A. Ulsafer
MATH 121.12: Precalculus, Scott Stevens
MATH 130.02: Mathematics for Elementary Teachers, Richard W. Billstein
MATH 130.04: Mathematics for Elementary Teachers, Richard Paul
MATH 131.01: Mathematics for Elementary Teachers, Terry A. Souhrada
MATH 150.01: Applied Calculus, Lily Eidswick
MATH 150.04: Applied Calculus, Gregory M. St. George
MATH 152.01: Calculus I, Hashim A. Saber
MATH 152.03: Calculus I, Libby Krussel
MATH 152.04: Calculus I, Richard Lane
MATH 152.05: Calculus I, Evan B. Wantland
MATH 152.06: Calculus I, Scott Stevens
MATH 152.80: Calculus I - Honors, Nikolaus Vonessen
MATH 153.01: Calculus II, Richard Lane
MATH 153.01: Calculus II, D. George McRae
MATH 221.01: Linear Algebra, Mark Wilson
MATH 221.02: Linear Algebra, Gregory M. St. George
MATH 225.01: Discrete Mathematics, P. Mark Kayll
MATH 225.02: Discrete Mathematics, P. Mark Kayll
MATH 241.00: Statistics, David A. Patterson
MATH 251.01: Calculus III, Thomas Tonev
MATH 301.01: Mathematics with Technology for Teachers, James J. Hirstein
MATH 305.01: Introduction to Abstract Mathematics, D. George McRae
MATH 311.01: Ordinary Differential Equations and Systems, Leonid Kalachev
MATH 341.01: Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Rudy A. Gideon
MATH 351.01: Advanced Calculus, Thomas Tonev
MATH 414.01: Deterministic Models - A Course in Mathematical Biology, William R. Derrick
MATH 421.01: Abstract Algebra, Mark Wilson
MATH 431.01: Euclidean/Non-Euclidean Geometry, Libby Krussel
MATH 441.01: Mathematical Statistics, Johnathan Graham
MATH 444.01: Statistical Methods, Brian M. Steele
MATH 514.01: Topics in Applied Mathematics Dynamics - Asymptotics and Chaos - Introduction To Dynamical Systems, Leonid Kalachev
MATH 521.01: Advanced Algebra, Nikolaus Vonessen