This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2023
MUSI 551.10: Major Performance Area - Clarinet, Christopher H. Kirkpatrick
MUSI 551.13: Major Performance Area - Double Bass, Joel S. Schnackel
MUSI 551.16: Major Performance Area - Saxophone, Ulf Johann Eriksson
MUSI 596.02: Advanced Opera Theatre, Anne Basinski
MUST 492.01: Independent Study - Music Technology, Bryan C. Kostors
NASX 105H.01: Introduction to Native American Studies, Patrick S. Lozar
NASX 235X.01: Oral and Written Traditions of Native Americans, Heather M. Cahoon
NASX 304E.01: Native American Beliefs and Philosophy, Heather M. Cahoon
NASX 521.V50: Indigenous Worldview and Culture-Based Education, Karla D. Bird
NEUR 280.01: Molecules to Mind - Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Katie M. Holick
NEUR 380.01: Molecular Neuroscience, Beverly J. Piggot
NEUR 441.01: CNS Diseases, Andrew R. Rau, Richard Bridges, and Sarah J. Certel
NEUR 491.02: Neurolinguistics, Danielle K. Fahey
NEUR 491.02: Neurolinguistics, Danielle K. Fahey
NEUR 661.01: Neuroscience I, Michael P. Kavanaugh and Kapser B. Hansen
NEUR 667.01: Topics in Neurobiology, Kasper B. Hansen
NRSM 211N.01: Soils and Water, Kelsey G. Jencso and Cory C. Cleveland
NRSM 212N.00: Ecology, Physics and Taxonomy of Soils, Kelsey G. Jencso and Cory C. Cleveland
NRSM 265.01: Elements of Ecological Restoration, Philip Higuera and Diana Six
NRSM 349E.02: Climate Change Ethics and Policy, Ashley L. Preston
NRSM 360.00: Rangeland Management, Akasha Faist
NRSM 373.80: Wilderness & Civilization, Charles B. Hayes
NRSM 379.01: Collaboration in Natural Resource Decisions, James A. Burchfield
NRSM 385.01: Watershed Hydrology, Kelsey G. Jencso
NRSM 422.01: Natural Resource Policy and Administration, Martin A. Nie
NRSM 422.01: Natural Resource Policy and Administration, Martin A. Nie
NRSM 465.01: Foundations of Restoration Ecology, Enzo P. Martelli Moya
NRSM 475.01: Environment and Development, Hilary Faxon
NRSM 475.01: Environment and Development, Colleen F. Livingstone
NRSM 492.04: Capstone in Restoration and Natural Resources, Akasha Faist
NRSM 494.01: Ecosystem Science and Restoration Seminar, Benjamin P. Colman
NRSM 515.01: Collaborative Skills for Natural Resource Leaders, Shawn M. Johnson, Travis Anklam, and Klaus Sitte
NRSM 570.01: Political Ecology, Hilary Faxon
NRSM 574.01: Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, Alexander L. Metcalf
NRSM 579.01: Practicum in Collaborative Conservation, Shawn M. Johnson and Nicolas Maya
NRSM 595.03: Grassland Ecology, Akasha Faist
NRSM 595.04: Public Land & Resources Policy, Martin A. Nie
OSH 110.01: Basic Safety Training and OSHA 10-Hour, John R. Freer
PHL 101L.01: Introduction to Philosophy, Charles B. Hayes
PHL 110E.01: Introduction to Ethics, Charles B. Hayes
PHL 110E.50: Introduction to Ethics, Charles B. Hayes
PHL 114E.01: Introduction to Political Ethics, David L. Sherman
PHL 233.01: Introduction to Logic - Deduction, Bridget Clarke
PHL 261Y.01: History of Ancient Philosophy, Matthew S. Strohl
PHL 427.01: Problems in Aesthetics, Matthew S. Strohl
PHL 449.01: Political Philosophies of Kant and Hegel, David L. Sherman
PHL 472.01: Thoreau, Paul Muench
PHL 502.01: Topics in Value Theory, Bridget Clarke
PHL 510.01: Philosophy Colloquium, Charles B. Hayes
PHL 572.01: Thoreau, Paul Muench
PHSX 141N.80: Einstein's Relativity - Honors, Andrew S. Ware
PHSX 205N.01: College Physics I, Bradford L. Halfpap
PHSX 205N.01: College Physics I, Bradford L. Halfpap
PHSX 206N.01: College Physics I Lab, Bradford L. Halfpap
PHSX 207N.01: College Physics II, Bradford L. Halfpap
PHSX 208N.02: College Physics II Lab, Bradford L. Halfpap
PHSX 216N.00: Physics Laboratory I with Calculus, Brianna G. Beller
PHSX 296N.00: College Physics I Lab, Bradford L. Halfpap
PHSX 343.01: Modern Physics, Deborah Good
PHSX 423N.01: Electricity and Magenetism I, Bradford L. Halfpap
PHSX 499.01: Senior Capstone Seminar, Andrew S. Ware
PSCI 210S.01: Introduction to American Government, Robert P. Saldin
PSCI 210S.50: Introduction to American Government, Brian K. Munis
PSCI 230X.01: Introducton to International Relations, Paul L. Haber
PSCI 325.01: Politics of Latin America, Paul L. Haber
PSCI 330.01: EO - Intelligence Around the Globe, Theodore J. Silver
PSCI 337.80: Model United Nations - Honors, Dominic P. Beccari
PSCI 420.01: EO - Political Economy of Property Rights, Abhishek Chatterjee
PSCI 457.01: Classical and Medieval Polititcal Philosophy, Ramona Grey
PSCI 474.01: Civil Rights, Ramona Grey
PSCI 491.01: Special Topics - The Politics of Wellbeing, Paul L. Haber
PSCI 557.01: Classical and Medieval Political Philosophy - Graduate Seminar, Ramona Grey
PSCI 595.03: Special Topics - Modern China, Dexter T. Roberts
PSYX 100S.01: Introduction to Psychology, R. Stuart Hall
PSYX 100S.02: Introduction to Psychology, Bennett Ilac
PSYX 100S.50: Introduction to Psychology, Olathe Antonio
PSYX 120.01: Introduction to Psychological Research Methods, Sarah E. Attaway
PSYX 120.50: Introduction to Psychological Research Methods - Online, Phoebe S. Bean
PSYX 222.00: Psychological Statistics, Rachel E. Williamson
PSYX 233.50: Fundamentals of Psychology of Aging, Edgar Orozco
PSYX 250N.50: Fundamentals of Biological Psychology, R. Stuart Hall
PSYX 270.50: Fundamentals of the Psychology of Learning, Kara M. Snider
PSYX 280.01: Fundamentals of Memory and Cognition, Yoonhe Jang
PSYX 320.01: Advanced Psychological Research Methods, Yoonhe Jang
PSYX 330.01: Child Development, Sarah E. Sweezy
PSYX 330.50: Child Development, Thomas M. Macko
PSYX 340.01: Psychological Disorders, Julie Olomi
PSYX 352.01: Comparative Psychology, Allen D. Szalda-Petree
PSYX 360.01: Social Psychology, Stephanie Dimitroff
PSYX 360.50: Social Psychology - Online, Patrick D. Hanni
PSYX 376.50: Principles of Cognitive Behavorial Modification - Online, Hannah G. Hall
PSYX 385.01: Psychology of Personality, Duncan G. Campbell
PSYX 501.01: Teaching of Psychology, Laura G. Kirsch
PSYX 511.01: Professional Issues, Bryan N. Cochran
PSYX 525.01: Psychological Evaluation I, Gregory R. Machek
PSYX 530.01: Clinical and Diagnostic Interviewing, Catlin A. Martin-Wagar
PSYX 532.01: Advanced Psychopathology, Bryan N. Cochran
PSYX 534.01: Applied Clinical Methods, Rachel E. Williamson
PSYX 534.02: Applied Clinical Methods, Julie Olomi
PSYX 580.01: Principles and Practices of Professional School Psychology, Jacqueline A. Brown