This collection includes syllabi from several UM departments from 1990-2010.
Submissions from 2009
DAN 201A.01: Beginning Composition, Heidi Jones Eggert
DAN 202A.01: Rehearsal and Performance, Karen A. Kaufmann
DAN 204A.40: Ballet II, Linda Parker
DAN 300.01: Modern Dance III, Nicole Bradley Browning
DAN 302.01: Dance Touring, Unknown
DAN 304.01: Ballet III, Michele Antonioli
DAN 307A.01: Jazz Dance III, Heather Adams
DAN 327A.01: Dance in Elementary Education, Jes Mullette
DAN 327A.02: Dance in Elementary Education, Jes Mullette
DAN 328.01: Teaching Dance to People with Disabilities, Heidi Jones Eggert
DAN 329.40: Pilates I - Continuing, Linda Parker
DAN 396.01: Independent Study - Dance Projects, Karen A. Kaufmann
DAN 397.01: Junior Creative Research Projects, Michele Antonioli
DAN 400.01: Modern Dance IV, Heidi Jones Eggert
DAN 404.01: Ballet IV, Michele Antonioli
DAN 425.40: Dance Pedgagogy II, Michele Antonioli
DAN 426.01: Dance as a Healing Art, Karen A. Kaufmann
DAN 428.01: Internship in Children's Dance, Anya Cloud
DAN 429.01: Advanced Techniques in Modern Dance, Heidi Jones Eggert
DAN 491.01: Teaching Projects, Karen A. Kaufmann
DAN 496.01: Independent Study - Dance Projects, Karen A. Kaufmann
DAN 497.01: Senior Creative Research Projects, Michele Antonioli
DRAM 101L.01: Theatre Appreciation, Ann C. Wright
DRAM 101L.50: Theatre Appreciation - Online, Lisa Marie Hyslop
DRAM 104.01: Drawing Fundamentals for the Stage, Alessia Carpoca
DRAM 106A.01: Theatre Production I - Run Crew, Michael Monsos
DRAM 107A.01: Theatre Production I - Scenery Construction, Brian Gregoire
DRAM 107A.02: Theatre Production I - Costume Construction, Lisa Marie Hyslop
DRAM 107A.03: Theatre Production I - Light Shop/ Lighting, Bryan Kaschube
DRAM 107A.04: Theatre Production I - Scenery Construction, Brian Gregoire
DRAM 107A.05: Theatre Production I - Costume Construction, Lisa Marie Hyslop
DRAM 107A.06: Theatre Production I - Light Shop / Lighting, Bryan Kaschube
DRAM 108.01: Introduction to House Management, Michael Monsos
DRAM 111A.01: Acting for Non-Majors I, Cody Hyslop
DRAM 111A.02: Acting for Non-Majors I, Jacqueline Davies
DRAM 111A.03: Acting for Non-Majors I, Michelle Edwards
DRAM 111A.04: Acting for Non-Majors I, Cody Hyslop
DRAM 111A.05: Acting for Non-Majors I, Michael Butterworth
DRAM 111A.06: Acting for Non-Majors I, Deborah Voss
DRAM 111A.07: Acting for Non-Majors I, Michelle Edwards
DRAM 111A.08: Acting for Non-Majors I, Deborah Voss
DRAM 111A.09: Acting for Non-Majors I, Michael Butterworth
DRAM 111A.10: Acting for Non-Majors I, John K. DeBoer
DRAM 111A.11: Acting for Non-Majors I, Teralyn Tanner
DRAM 111A.12: Acting for Non-Majors I, Teresa Waldorf
DRAM 112A.01: Acting for Non-Majors II, Teralyn Tanner
DRAM 112A.02: Acting for Non-Majors II, Jacqueline Davies
DRAM 203.00: Stagecraft II, Michael Monsos
DRAM 206.01: Theater Production II - Run Crew, Michael Monsos
DRAM 207.01: Theater Production II - Scenery Construction, Brian Gregoire
DRAM 207.02: Theatre Production II - Costume Construction, Lisa Marie Hyslop
DRAM 207.03: Theatre Production II - Light Shop / Lighting, Bryan Kaschube
DRAM 207.04: Theater Production II - Scenery Construction, Brian Gregoire
DRAM 207.05: Theater Production II - Costume Construction, Lisa Marie Hyslop
DRAM 207.06: Theatre Production II - Light Shop / Lighting, Bryan Kaschube
DRAM 212.01: Voice and Speech II, John K. DeBoer
DRAM 215.01: Acting II, John K. DeBoer
DRAM 215.01: Acting II - Building Characters, Ezra LeBank
DRAM 216A.01: Production Acting I, Gregory T. Johnson
DRAM 231.01: Drafting for the Theatre I, MIchael Monsos
DRAM 244.01: Introduction to Stage Makeup, Stacy Ohrt
DRAM 244.02: Introduction to Stage Makeup, Stacy Ohrt
DRAM 301.01: Playwriting, Randy Bolton
DRAM 307.01: Production Construction I, Michael Monsos
DRAM 307.02: Production Construction I - Costume Construction, Lisa Marie Hyslop
DRAM 307.05: Production Construction I - Costume Construction, Lisa Marie Hyslop
DRAM 308.01: Production Team I, Michael Monsos
DRAM 309.01: Production Design I, Michael Monsos
DRAM 311.01: Voice and Speech IV, Randy Bolton
DRAM 313.01: Physical Performance Skills II - LEQOC and Partner Dynamics, Ezra LeBank
DRAM 315.01: Acting IV, Gregory T. Johnson
DRAM 316A.01: Production Acting II, Gregory T. Johnson
DRAM 320.01: Theatre History - Origins Through the 18th Century, Ann C. Wright
DRAM 321.01: Theatre History - 18th Century to the Present, Ann C. Wright
DRAM 327A.01: Drama in Elementary Education, Randy Bolton
DRAM 327A.02: Drama in Elementary Education, Teresa Waldorf
DRAM 335.01: Scenic Design II, Alessia Carpoca
DRAM 340.01: Intermediate Costume Construction, Lisa Marie Hyslop
DRAM 352.01: Master Electrician for the Stage, Bryan Kaschube
DRAM 379.01: Introduction to Directing, Jere Hodgin
DRAM 385.01: Spirit Squad - Dance Team, Chris Anderson
DRAM 385.02: Spirit Squad - Dance Team, Chris Anderson
DRAM 395.01: Costume Crafts, Wendy Stark Prey
DRAM 395.03B: Irish Drama Plays and Performance, Bernadette Sweeney
DRAM 395.03: Dramaturgy & Languages of the Stage, Ann C. Wright
DRAM 407.01: Production Construction II, Michael Monsos
DRAM 408.01: Production Team II, Michael Monsos
DRAM 409.01: Production Design II, Michael Monsos
DRAM 413.01: Physical Performance IV - Clown and Mime, Ezra LeBank
DRAM 415.01: Acting VI - Company, Jere Hodgin
DRAM 415.02: Acting VI - Company, Jere Hodgin
DRAM 416.01: Production Acting III, Jere Hodgin
DRAM 420.01: Singing for Actors, Anne Basinski
DRAM 433.01: Advanced Scene Painting, Alessia Carpoca
DRAM 436.01: Advanced Acting - Solo Performance, Randy Bolton
DRAM 439.01: Advanced Acting - Professional Skills, Gregory T. Johnson
DRAM 441.01: Draping, Wendy Stark Prey
DRAM 446.01: Costume Design II, Wendy Stark Prey
DRAM 451.01: Theatre Lighting II, Mark Dean and Bryan Kaschube
DRAM 501.01: Problems in Playwriting, Randy Bolton