This collection includes syllabi from several UM departments from 2021-2025.
Submissions from 2022
CSCI 361.B01: Computer Architecture, Jesse V. Johnson
CSCI 370.01: Sports Analytics, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 427.01: Software Design and Development II, Yolanda M. Reimer
CSCI 491.02: Software Reliability and Testing, George T. Lesica
CSCI 491.03: Cloud Computing, Alden H. Wright
CSCI 591.02: Cloud Computing, Alden H. Wright
CSD 109.01: SLPeeps - A First Year Guide to Communication Sciences and Disorders, Coille A. Putman
CSD 110.01: Introduction to Speech, Language, and Audiology, Jennifer Katherine Schoffer-Closson
CSD 110.50: Introduction to Speech, Language, and Audiology, Haley Permar
CSD 222.01: Introduction to Audiology, Kevin D. Duffy
CSD 320.01: Phonological Development & Phonetics, Amy M. Glaspey
CSD 320.50: Phonological Development & Phonetics, Amy M. Glaspey
CSD 330.01: Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Swallowing Mechanism, Kimberly Ann Ramsey
CSD 396.01: Autism on Campus - Service Learning, Jennifer Katherine Schoffer-Closson
CSD 420.01: Speech and Hearing Science, Jennifer Katherine Schoffer-Closson
CSD 430.01: Senior Capstone, Danielle K. Fahey
CSD 430.50: Senior Capstone, Sarah Jo Conkel
CSD 571.01: Speech, Phonology, & Articulation, Remediation for Kids Clinic (SPARK), Amy K. Glaspey
DANC 100A.01: Introduction to Modern Dance, Heidi M. Eggert
DANC 108A.04: Dance Forms - Ballroom, Martha Jane Newby
DANC 108A.05: Dance Forms - Swing / Jitterbug, Martha Jane Newby
DANC 108A.06: Dance Forms - Swing / Jitterbug, Martha Jane Newby
DANC 108A.07: Dance Forms - Salsa, Martha Jane Newby
DANC 110A.01: Introduction to Ballet, Tara VR McFarland
DANC 115A.01: Introduction to Jazz Dance, Joy J. French
DANC 130A.50B: Introduction to Dance, Laurel J. Sears
DANC 165A.01: Dance Forms - African, Tarn Ream
DANC 194.01: Seminar - First Year, Heidi M. Eggert
DANC 198A.08: Dance Forms - Tap, Meagen Hensley-Shapiro
DANC 200A.01: Contemporary Modern Dance II, Heidi M. Eggert
DANC 210A.01: Ballet II, Faith H. Morrison
DANC 215A.01: Jazz Dance II, Joy J. French
DANC 220.01: Creative Practice I, Brooklyn L. Draper
DANC 225.01: Rehearsal and Performance, Heidi M. Eggert and Brooklyn L. Draper
DANC 295.01: Student Teaching - Children's Dance, Laurel J. Sears
DANC 300.01: Contemporary Modern Dance III, Brooklyn L. Draper
DANC 310.01: Ballet III, Faith H. Morrison
DANC 325.01: UM Spirit Squad, Stacey L. Richards
DANC 327.01: Advanced Rehearsal and Performance, Heidi M. Eggert and Brooklyn L. Draper
DANC 345.01: New Visions Dance, Heidi M. Eggert
DANC 392.02: Independent Study -, Heidi M. Eggert
DANC 399.01: Junior Creative Research Project, Brooklyn L. Draper
DANC 400.01: Contemporary Modern Dance IV, Brooklyn L. Draper
DANC 494.01: Junior / Senior Dance Seminar, Joy J. French
DANC 495.01: Practicum - Field Work, Heidi M. Eggert
DANC 499.01: Senior Thesis - Creative Research Project, Brooklyn L. Draper
ECNS 201S.01: Principles of Microeconomics, Jeffrey T. Bookwalter
ECNS 201S.02: Principles of Microeconomics, Jonathon D. Knudson
ECNS 202S.01: Principles of Macroeconomics, Jeffrey T. Bookwalter
ECNS 202S.02: Principles of Macroeconomics, Jonathon D. Knudson
ECNS 291.01: Mathematical Economics, Douglas Dalenberg
ECNS 302.01: Intermediate Macroeconomics, Matthew P. Taylor
ECNS 431.01: International Trade, Derek K. Kellenberg
ECNS 450.01: Advanced Topics in Economic Development, Katrina L. Mullan
ECNS 481.01: Communicating Economics, Derek K. Kellenberg
ECNS 513.01: Macroeconomics and Forecasting, Douglas Dalenberg
ECNS 560.00: Advanced Econometrics, Amanda E. Dawsey
EDEC 420.01: Implementing Standards and Assessment in Play-Based Environments, Allison B. Wilson
EDEC 434.01: Social Emotional Development & Child Guidance, Danielle L. Bailey
EDEC 453.01: Early Childhood STEM, Allison B. Wilson
EDLD 502.50: Philosophy of Education, Robert D. Dobell
EDLD 519.51: Measurement and Analysis Data, Liqin Tang
EDLD 550.50: Foundations of Educational Leadership, William P. McCaw
EDLD 552.50: Supervision and Evaluation of Public School Educators, William P. McCaw
EDLD 559.50: Public Relations for Principals, Justine Alberts
EDLD 567.50: K-12 Leadership, William P. McCaw
EDLD 568.50: K-12 Curriculum Leadership, Jacob A. Francom
EDLD 620.50: Qualitative Research, William P. McCaw
EDLD 656.50: The Economics of Education, William P. McCaw
EDSP 456.01: Introduction to Methods for Low Incidence Disabilities, Jennifer Katherine Schoffer-Closson
EDSP 556.01: Introduction to Methods for Low Incidence Disabilities, Jennifer Katherine Schoffer-Closson
EDU 494.10: Seminar: Applied Research & Reflective Practice, Michael J. Ruybalid
EDU 497.01: Methods: 5-8 Mathematics (Graduate), Georgia A. Cobbs
EDU 497.01: Methods: 5-8 Mathematics (Undergraduate), Georgia A. Cobbs
EDU 501.01: Curriculum Design, Implementation & Evaluation, Georgia A. Cobbs
EDU 515.50: Technology Applications in Education, Georgia A. Cobbs
ENSC 105N.01: Environmental Science, Marilyn J. Marler
ENSC 470.01: Agroecology, Caroline Muir Stephens
ENST 225S.01: Sustainable Communities, Thomas Zavitz
ENST 231H.01: Nature and Society, Ashley L. Preston
ENST 231H.01: Nature and Society, Ashley L. Preston
ENST 310.01: Environment Montana - Anaconda to Zortman, Rosalyn R. LaPier
ENST 373A.01: Nature Works, Mark E. Sundeen
ENST 382.01: Environmental Law, Len Broberg
ENST 391.X02: Careers in Sustainability, Samuel H. Gilbertson
ENST 489S.01: Environmental Justice Issues & Solutions, Robin K. Saha
ENST 510.01: Environmental Issues of Indigenous Peoples, Rosalyn R. LaPier
ENST 589.01: Environmental Justice Issues & Solutions, Robin K. Saha
ENST 594.01: Earth Storytelling: Nature, Climate, Resistance, Mark E. Sundeen
ENST 594.02: Environmental Writing Workshop, Latria Graham
ENST 595.02S: Careers in Sustainability, Samuel H. Gilbertson
ENT 440.01: Teaching Writing in Secondary Schools, Beverly A. Chin
ENT 595.01: Advanced Strategies for Teaching Reading and Holocaust/Multicultural Literature, Beverly A. Chin
FILM 103L.H01: Introduction to Film - Hamilton, Matthew Kaler
FILM 308.80: Russian Cinema and Culture, Clint B. Walker
FORS 250.00: Introduction to GIS and Cartography, Kevin G. McManigal
FORS 330.00: Forest Ecology, Tyler J. Hoecker
FORS 333.01: Fire Ecology, Philip Higuera
FORS 335.01: Forest Ecology Field Laboratory, Andrew J. Larson
FORS 440.01: Forest Stand Management / Service Learning, Elizabeth M. Dodson and Carl A. Seielstad