Oral Presentations - Session 1A: UC 326
Employment Opportunities: Are They Equal?
Project Type
Faculty Mentor’s Full Name
Lynda Brown
Faculty Mentor’s Department
Business Management
Abstract / Artist's Statement
1. Title: My research paper and presentation involve a study regarding employment law and how it relates to establishments that require wearing uniforms and have hiring practices that are controversial. Here in Montana, these establishments include Hooters and Oh La Latte, but other cases around the US will be included. 2. Purpose: My rationale for this project is that certain establishments find ways around typical hiring practices and employment laws. I will examine these methods and draw conclusions regarding any potential for discrimination that takes place. 3. Methods: To carry out this project, I have researched employment law on both federal and state levels. I have met with the Equal Opportunity director at UM to discuss employment law and analyze past cases. I will also include insight into the hiring process of Hooters and Oh La Latte here in Missoula through an examination of their job applications. 4. Although the controversy surrounding establishments like Hooters is not new, my research will take a more “big picture” approach to employment law and also will examine how the economic downturn affects hiring practices. 5. The contribution of this project to my field of study as well as society lies in its exposure of unconventional hiring practices and the debate surrounding whether it is legal, or more importantly, ethical to practice such methods. Job hunters-particularly during a recession-rely on companies to offer them a fair and equitable chance of obtaining a position, thus examining possible discrimination in hiring practices is essential.
Social Sciences
Employment Opportunities: Are They Equal?
UC 326
1. Title: My research paper and presentation involve a study regarding employment law and how it relates to establishments that require wearing uniforms and have hiring practices that are controversial. Here in Montana, these establishments include Hooters and Oh La Latte, but other cases around the US will be included. 2. Purpose: My rationale for this project is that certain establishments find ways around typical hiring practices and employment laws. I will examine these methods and draw conclusions regarding any potential for discrimination that takes place. 3. Methods: To carry out this project, I have researched employment law on both federal and state levels. I have met with the Equal Opportunity director at UM to discuss employment law and analyze past cases. I will also include insight into the hiring process of Hooters and Oh La Latte here in Missoula through an examination of their job applications. 4. Although the controversy surrounding establishments like Hooters is not new, my research will take a more “big picture” approach to employment law and also will examine how the economic downturn affects hiring practices. 5. The contribution of this project to my field of study as well as society lies in its exposure of unconventional hiring practices and the debate surrounding whether it is legal, or more importantly, ethical to practice such methods. Job hunters-particularly during a recession-rely on companies to offer them a fair and equitable chance of obtaining a position, thus examining possible discrimination in hiring practices is essential.