Poster Session #2: UC Ballroom
Project Type
Faculty Mentor’s Full Name
Annie Kennedy
Faculty Mentor’s Department
Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Abstract / Artist's Statement
Aphasia is an acquired language disorder that most often results from a cerebral vascular accident (CVA), (ASHA 2013). Aphasia can affect both spoken language and auditory comprehension. There are several batteries that assess aphasia severity and type. The Western Aphasia Battery- Revised is one such assessment. However, most of these assessments are most informative about the communication characteristics of persons with moderate aphasia. Assessments should be designed to assess the skills and needs of each individual on the severity continuum of aphasia. The Big Sky Aphasia Program-Assessment of Language in Context (BSAP-ALC, Kennedy, 2012) is an assessment that is designed to provide information about a client’s communicative effectiveness and syntactic accuracy in naturalistic communication situations. In the current study, the BSAP will be investigated for test-retest reliability for both persons with aphasia (PWA) and persons without aphasia (PWOA). This test will be administered to four participants, two of which will be PWA and the remaining two will be PWOA. Both PWA have Broca’s aphasia. The test will be administered to all participants in the Spring of 2014. The test will be administered to all participants for a second time two weeks after the first test. Test-retest reliability will be measured for the PWA group and the PWOA group. Also test-retest reliability of PWA will be compared to the test-retest reliability of PWOA. High test-retest reliability scores are anticipated for this study.
Keywords: Aphasia, Communication, Reliability, Western Aphasia Battery, BSAP-ALC
Social Sciences
Test-Retest Reliability of the Big Sky Aphasia Program-Assessment of Language in Context
Aphasia is an acquired language disorder that most often results from a cerebral vascular accident (CVA), (ASHA 2013). Aphasia can affect both spoken language and auditory comprehension. There are several batteries that assess aphasia severity and type. The Western Aphasia Battery- Revised is one such assessment. However, most of these assessments are most informative about the communication characteristics of persons with moderate aphasia. Assessments should be designed to assess the skills and needs of each individual on the severity continuum of aphasia. The Big Sky Aphasia Program-Assessment of Language in Context (BSAP-ALC, Kennedy, 2012) is an assessment that is designed to provide information about a client’s communicative effectiveness and syntactic accuracy in naturalistic communication situations. In the current study, the BSAP will be investigated for test-retest reliability for both persons with aphasia (PWA) and persons without aphasia (PWOA). This test will be administered to four participants, two of which will be PWA and the remaining two will be PWOA. Both PWA have Broca’s aphasia. The test will be administered to all participants in the Spring of 2014. The test will be administered to all participants for a second time two weeks after the first test. Test-retest reliability will be measured for the PWA group and the PWOA group. Also test-retest reliability of PWA will be compared to the test-retest reliability of PWOA. High test-retest reliability scores are anticipated for this study.
Keywords: Aphasia, Communication, Reliability, Western Aphasia Battery, BSAP-ALC