Poster Session #2
Project Type
Faculty Mentor’s Full Name
Ekaterina Voronina
Faculty Mentor’s Department
Division of Biological Sciences
Abstract / Artist's Statement
The regulation of cell divisions is an essential process that contributes to the normal growth and division as well as the prevention of tumor formation. The decision to enter mitosis is mediated by a network of proteins which effect the cyclin B–Cdk1 complex. After noticing a potential increase in length of fbf-2;cyb-2.1(h) worms, we started to investigate the relationship between abnormal somatic cell proliferation and hyperactive cyb-2.1.
Similar findings in research on C. elegans transcription factor, rnt-1, (Nimmo, Antebi, and Woolard 2005), lead to our hypothesis that over-production of CYB-2.1 could increase the rate of cell entry into mitosis leading to extra cell divisions and cell hyperplasia (unregulated cell proliferation). This hypothesis will be tested on multiple strains including a negative control wild-type N2 worms, cyb-2.1(h), fbf-2;cyb-2.1(wild type) worms, and fbf-2;cyb-2.1(h) worms.
Life Sciences
Identifying causes of unregulated cell proliferation and changes body length in Caenorhabditis elegans
UC South Ballroom
The regulation of cell divisions is an essential process that contributes to the normal growth and division as well as the prevention of tumor formation. The decision to enter mitosis is mediated by a network of proteins which effect the cyclin B–Cdk1 complex. After noticing a potential increase in length of fbf-2;cyb-2.1(h) worms, we started to investigate the relationship between abnormal somatic cell proliferation and hyperactive cyb-2.1.
Similar findings in research on C. elegans transcription factor, rnt-1, (Nimmo, Antebi, and Woolard 2005), lead to our hypothesis that over-production of CYB-2.1 could increase the rate of cell entry into mitosis leading to extra cell divisions and cell hyperplasia (unregulated cell proliferation). This hypothesis will be tested on multiple strains including a negative control wild-type N2 worms, cyb-2.1(h), fbf-2;cyb-2.1(wild type) worms, and fbf-2;cyb-2.1(h) worms.