Project Type
Faculty Mentor’s Full Name
Rick Anderson
Faculty Mentor’s Department
College of Humanities and Arts
Abstract / Artist's Statement
- The question being asked is how property taxes correlate with graduation rates in Montana and if there is a way to change the funding of the education system to increase accessibility to higher education.
- The purpose of this research is to advocate for changing how the education system is funded. Currently, public schools are being funded based off the property taxes in a certain neighborhoods and counties and there is greater need to understand how those numbers relate to who is graduating where. The intention is to collect this data so in the future, students who have higher need of assistance will get the help so they can graduate.
- The methods being used are having conversations with local public-school officials to gather data as well as analysis of peer reviewed articles. The data that counties have collected on their student’s graduation rates and W-2 information for property taxes is where a lot of the information is coming from but due to a lack of information being at one resource, multiple officials have helped in the process of gaining all the data.
- This work is significant because it will lead to more awareness of how the education system functions in relation to funding as well as provide insight on how many students are graduating. The goal is to collect enough data to have an impact on where funds are being sent, eventually leading to more students graduating as well as help in the process, leading to greater access to higher education, which in turn, helps the economy and the state of Montana as a whole.
Apr 22nd, 1:40 PM
Apr 22nd, 2:00 PM
Graduation Rates and Property Taxes in Montana Impacting Accessibility to Education
UC 330
- The question being asked is how property taxes correlate with graduation rates in Montana and if there is a way to change the funding of the education system to increase accessibility to higher education.
- The purpose of this research is to advocate for changing how the education system is funded. Currently, public schools are being funded based off the property taxes in a certain neighborhoods and counties and there is greater need to understand how those numbers relate to who is graduating where. The intention is to collect this data so in the future, students who have higher need of assistance will get the help so they can graduate.
- The methods being used are having conversations with local public-school officials to gather data as well as analysis of peer reviewed articles. The data that counties have collected on their student’s graduation rates and W-2 information for property taxes is where a lot of the information is coming from but due to a lack of information being at one resource, multiple officials have helped in the process of gaining all the data.
- This work is significant because it will lead to more awareness of how the education system functions in relation to funding as well as provide insight on how many students are graduating. The goal is to collect enough data to have an impact on where funds are being sent, eventually leading to more students graduating as well as help in the process, leading to greater access to higher education, which in turn, helps the economy and the state of Montana as a whole.