ScholarWorks at University of Montana - University of Montana Conference on Undergraduate Research (UMCUR): Evaluation of Movement Obtained by Markerless Tracking and a Virtual Reality System

Evaluation of Movement Obtained by Markerless Tracking and a Virtual Reality System

Project Type


Faculty Mentor’s Full Name

Matthew Bundle

Faculty Mentor’s Department


Abstract / Artist's Statement

Introduction: The extensive literature documenting human movement patterns has been used in support of numerous basic science, clinical, and engineering applications for decades. In clinical settings both quantitative and qualitative assessment of human movement continues to be used in the diagnosis of injury and pathology and throughout the rehabilitation of these conditions. The advent of both wearable devices and advanced image analysis have the capability to provide real-time assessments of movement in an array of new settings. These advances provide the potential for clinicians to instantly access laboratory grade measurement without the typically laborious analysis. Purpose: Here, we evaluated the accuracy of 1) an immersive virtual reality based platform designed to allow quantification of movement during remote physical therapy sessions and 2) a simple 3 camera system that performs markerless joint tracking. Methods: Subjects (n= 25, currently m=4, f=5, age = 20.9 ± 0.9) free of injury, completed 20-minutes of scripted physical activity movements which included; lunges, squats, toe touching, simple balance tests, and joint ranges of motion. Participants followed the movements illustrated in 3 video segments displayed in a virtual reality system (Meta Quest3, sampling rate = 72 Hz) that permits developers to access positional data obtained from the instrumented hand controllers and headset. The markerless tracking system (Microsoft; FPS = 30 Hz) and a 10 camera laboratory grade motion capture system (Optitrack; sampling rate = 120 Hz) were synchronized with the headset and recorded movement trajectories throughout. Joint ranges of motion and limb segment velocities obtained from the Headset and markerless tracking system were compared to similar measures from the research grade motion capture system. Significance: The accuracy and computational capacity of contemporary immersive virtual reality platforms provide the capacity for clinicians to offer tele-health services and objectively and instantly document progress remotely with high accuracy.


Physical Sciences

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Apr 19th, 10:45 AM Apr 19th, 11:45 AM

Evaluation of Movement Obtained by Markerless Tracking and a Virtual Reality System

UC South Ballroom

Introduction: The extensive literature documenting human movement patterns has been used in support of numerous basic science, clinical, and engineering applications for decades. In clinical settings both quantitative and qualitative assessment of human movement continues to be used in the diagnosis of injury and pathology and throughout the rehabilitation of these conditions. The advent of both wearable devices and advanced image analysis have the capability to provide real-time assessments of movement in an array of new settings. These advances provide the potential for clinicians to instantly access laboratory grade measurement without the typically laborious analysis. Purpose: Here, we evaluated the accuracy of 1) an immersive virtual reality based platform designed to allow quantification of movement during remote physical therapy sessions and 2) a simple 3 camera system that performs markerless joint tracking. Methods: Subjects (n= 25, currently m=4, f=5, age = 20.9 ± 0.9) free of injury, completed 20-minutes of scripted physical activity movements which included; lunges, squats, toe touching, simple balance tests, and joint ranges of motion. Participants followed the movements illustrated in 3 video segments displayed in a virtual reality system (Meta Quest3, sampling rate = 72 Hz) that permits developers to access positional data obtained from the instrumented hand controllers and headset. The markerless tracking system (Microsoft; FPS = 30 Hz) and a 10 camera laboratory grade motion capture system (Optitrack; sampling rate = 120 Hz) were synchronized with the headset and recorded movement trajectories throughout. Joint ranges of motion and limb segment velocities obtained from the Headset and markerless tracking system were compared to similar measures from the research grade motion capture system. Significance: The accuracy and computational capacity of contemporary immersive virtual reality platforms provide the capacity for clinicians to offer tele-health services and objectively and instantly document progress remotely with high accuracy.