ScholarWorks at University of Montana - University of Montana Conference on Undergraduate Research (UMCUR): How Grammatical Differences impact Bilingual Cognate Processing Speeds

Author Information

Ella PetersonFollow

Project Type


Faculty Mentor’s Full Name

Danielle Fahey

Faculty Mentor’s Department

Communication Sciences and Disorders

Abstract / Artist's Statement

This research investigates people who are proficient in two languages (bilinguals) and the speeds at which they process cognates (words with comparable meaning and pronunciation across languages). Previous research has not examined the effects of cognate grammar on processing speeds. We compared processing speeds of cognates with and without grammar differences in 25 Spanish-English bilingual participants. We found that grammar differences do not impact processing speeds when words are isolated, but that grammar differences facilitate processing speeds when words are placed in sentences. These findings suggest that meaning and form should be prioritized above grammar instruction in second-language education.


Social Sciences


Apr 19th, 2:30 PM Apr 19th, 3:30 PM

How Grammatical Differences impact Bilingual Cognate Processing Speeds

UC South Ballroom

This research investigates people who are proficient in two languages (bilinguals) and the speeds at which they process cognates (words with comparable meaning and pronunciation across languages). Previous research has not examined the effects of cognate grammar on processing speeds. We compared processing speeds of cognates with and without grammar differences in 25 Spanish-English bilingual participants. We found that grammar differences do not impact processing speeds when words are isolated, but that grammar differences facilitate processing speeds when words are placed in sentences. These findings suggest that meaning and form should be prioritized above grammar instruction in second-language education.