"RG94-139: Foresters Ball Dance Card/ Ticket"



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Foresters ball dance card for the 51st annual Foresters ball. 4 paper pages inside a cardboard cover. The cover is green and white patterned with "51st Foresters Ball" in green font. The booklet is tied together with green yard. The inside of the cover is blank brown cardboard. Page 1 features two cedar trees in green with "51st Annual Foresters Ball Presented by the School of Forestry University of Montana." "DEDICATION to the faculty and students of the University of Montana Forestry School, past and present." "No. 2531" "November 10 and 11, 1967 Field House 8:00-12:00pm" in green writing. There is a purple stamp of a pine tree with an M on it located between the No. 2531 and the date. The stamp was likely used to record entry. Page 2 has a statement from Andre C. Cogswell, Dean of Students regarding alcohol consumption and pollution. Page 3 contains the Chaperones and a notice of statement of conduct. Pages 4 and 5 contain slots for recording dance partners. No names are listed. Page 6 Contains Guests of Honor and Board of Visitors. Page 7 contains a list of Faculty and Staff. Page 8 reads,

"The Forester...

He trams from vale to skyline,

his face toward the stars--

God's Valiant little campfires,

lit by sunset bars.

His the mountain spirit,

Blithe as a bird his soul,

His life a single gesture

Toward a Perfect Whole.

- Bessie K. Monroe."

The back cover is the same white and green patterned cardboard as the front cover.

Date Created


Geographic Coverage

University of Montana, Missoula


University of Montana; University of Montana students; University of Montana history; University of Montana artifacts



Artifact Number


Holding Institution

University of Montana. Mansfield Library. Archives and Special Collections

Rights Statement

Copyright Not Evaluated

Rights Holder

Copyright to this object may be held by creator. For more information, please contact Archives and Special Collections at the University of Montana, Mansfield Library.

Item Type


Digital File Format


Media Type


Original Medium


Item Size

12.5 cm x 7.8 cm

Digital Image Number


Digital Publisher

University of Montana-Missoula. Mansfield Library

Digital Image Credit

Micaela Connolly, University of Montana


University of Montana; University of Montana students; University of Montana history; University of Montana artifacts
