Kit Johnston
Rod Ash and June Ash discuss their strong ties Swan Valley, Montana despite having lived for years in Redding, California. They recall camping numerous times in the area during the 1960s, before purchasing property in 1969, and moving to Swan Valley full-time in 1984. They share their thoughts about Swan Valley as a place where the community is conscious of its relationship to the environment and natural resources. Both Rod and June describe their community activism to facilitate this important relationship between society and the land. They note that, as long as they have lived in Swan Valley, they have been active members in numerous organizations such as the local AARP chapter [American Association of Retired Persons] and the Swan Ecosystem Center. Rod and June share their thoughts on the importance of maintaining strong connections to both the people and the land in order to gain sense of “being rooted”.
Document Type
Oral History
Swan Valley, Montana; Camping, Montana; Environment; Natural resources; Environmental activism; American Association of Retired Persons [AARP]; Swan Ecosystem Center; Community activism
Original Date
Time Period
Twentieth century
Geographic Coverage
Original Collection
Upper Swan Valley Oral History Project, OH 422, Archives and Special Collections, Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula
Digital Publisher
University of Montana--Missoula. Mansfield Library
Copyright to this collection is held by the interview participants and by the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Permission may be required for use. For further information please contact Archives and Special Collections: (406) 243-2053 / library.archives@umontana.edu
Oral History Number
OH 422-182
Media Type
Sound; Text
Original Format
1 sound cassette (01:00:00 min.) analog + 1 transcript (26 p.: 28 cm.)
Digital Format
audio/mp3; application/pdf
Run Time
00:48:42 minutes
Local Filename
OH_422_182.mp3; OH_422_182.pdf
Ash, Rod and Ash, June, "Rod Ash and June Ash Interview, October 20, 2006" (2006). Upper Swan Valley Oral History Project. 44.