"Defining the Problem of Consent Education In High School Across the Un" by Julia Read

Graduation Year


Graduation Month


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Communicative Sciences and Disorders

Faculty Mentor

David Beck


Consent Education, Sex Education, High School Curricula, Sexual Violence Prevention, Consent

Subject Categories

Community-Based Learning | Community-Based Research | Curriculum and Instruction | Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence | Educational Sociology | Education Policy | Gender and Sexuality | Health and Physical Education | Inequality and Stratification | Other Education | Politics and Social Change | Social Work


Sexual education is generally thought of as something that is mentioned once in middle school, and possibly addressed in more depth in high school. Many recall a “scared straight” approach, involving an STI and STD slideshow, and countless statistics about the ineffectiveness of birth control. Some picture a more liberal approach, involving things like learning to put condoms on bananas, or learning how to obtain birth control and STD testing at Planned Parenthood. However, when many people think about their high school and middle school sex education, they do not necessarily recall explicit consent training. Why is that? Is it because people feel that if they teach students how to give consent, that they will have more sex than if they do not teach it? Is it because they do not want to scare young adults with the reality of rape culture? If sex is something that we, as human beings need, and curricula are willing to address disease prevention and unwanted pregnancy, then there is not a good reason to neglect consent. Without consent, sex is not “nonconsensual.” It is rape.

Honors College Research Project




© Copyright 2016 Julia Read