Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper

Degree Type

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name

Integrative Physiology (Exercise Science option)

Department or School/College

Integrative Physiology & Athletic Training

Committee Chair

Dr. Charles Palmer

Commitee Members

Dr. Charles Palmer, Dr. Melanie McGrath, Mitchell Mussell


Motivation, Coach


University of Montana

Subject Categories

Exercise Science | Psychology of Movement


Athlete motivation, sport psychology, and coaching are intricately connected through the purpose of increasing athletic performance, persistence, and overall success. As mentors, sport coaches play an integral role in affecting an athlete’s motivation by tending to their psychological needs to perform optimally. This paper explores how coaches can leverage visualization, verbal encouragement, mental imagery, and goal setting as ways to enhance athlete motivation and improve performance. By integrating these techniques, coaches can create a supportive and motivating environment that fosters both physical and psychological development in athletes. The paper also examines the principles of sport psychology, emphasizing the importance of motivation as a key factor in athletic success. It reviews empirical studies and theoretical frameworks that highlight the efficacy of these strategies, providing practical insights for coaches aiming to optimize their athletes' performance and overall well-being. A thorough review of motivation has revealed coaches should be aware of many theories and approaches designed to improve motivation when communicating with their athletes.



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