Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper

Degree Type

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name

Health and Human Performance (Exercise Science Option)

Department or School/College

Department of Health and Human Performance

Committee Chair

Steven Gaskill

Commitee Members

Annie Sondag, Ryan Mays, Susi Mathis


Cardiovascular disease, behavior change, university of montana

Subject Categories

Cardiovascular Diseases | Community Health and Preventive Medicine


Porisch, Laura, M.S., Spring 2016 Health and Human Performance

Abstract—The Healthy Heart Program at the University of Montana: A Program Review

Chairperson: Steven Gaskill

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify whether the Healthy Heart Program at the University of Montana is successful at facilitating lifestyle behavior changes. Methods: Six participants from Spring of 2015 were interviewed 3-4 months post and again 9-10 months post participation in the program. Interview questions focused on whether participants were working toward goals as well as their opinion of the program and what could be done to improve it. Additionally, 18 participants who took the Rand-36 quality of life questionnaire before the program were redistributed the questionnaire 9-10 months post after participation. Dependent t-tests were run for each dimension of the questionnaire.

Results: Participants reported making specific goals to improve their health as well as continuing to work toward those goals after 9-10 months. Suggestions were also made to contact subjects after participation in the program. No significant differences were found in any dimensions of the Rand-36.

Conclusion: The Healthy Heart Program shows some success at facilitating lifestyle behavior changes in participants. However, further research is needed to quantify successful behavior change. Furthermore, the participants would benefit from increased contact with students or professors to guide them through their behavior change process.



© Copyright 2016 Laura B. Porisch