Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Degree Name


Department or School/College

School of Art

Committee Chair

Mary Ann Bonjorni

Commitee Members

Cathryn Mallory, Matt Hamon, Kevin Bell, Laurie Yung


wildland firefighting, drawing, sculpture, natural environment, landscape, Judy Pfaff

Subject Categories

Art Practice | Contemporary Art | Fine Arts | Theory and Criticism


Build-up is based in an appreciation for quietude within the landscape that is interrupted by a sense of urgency and distress. The renderings, gestural drawings, and sculptural work are the result of allowing my studio process to mimic my analytical decision making and sensory observation as a wildland firefighter. The research investigates my work in relation to Romantic painters such as JMW Turner and Sublime philosophy, particularly Edmund Burke’s 1757 Sublime theory. Burke emphasized the emotional and psychological response to the Sublime experience of terror and awe. My research also discovers connections with contemporary artists, Robert Smithson, John Peña, and Judy Pfaff through use of materials, content, and form. The exhibition Build-up uses drawing and sculpture to examine a relationship to landscape that is both quiet and distressing.



© Copyright 2016 Kate Lund