
Gail Kuntz

Year of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Campus Access Only

Degree Type

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name

Environmental Studies

Department or School/College

Environmental Studies Program


This paper is a report and analysis of the legislative results of a study I conducted on energy facility siting in the State of Montana. The siting study, presented in Appendix A, investigates one particular option for future development of the state's siting program and policy; that is, the establishment of criteria to define the relative suitability or unsuitability of geographic areas of the state for energy facility siting. Once established, the siting criteria may be geographically applied through a statewide mapping inventory. The Montana Energy Advisory Council initiated the siting inventory study to provide recommendations for a siting policy to the Governor and the 1977 Montana Legislature. I researched siting inventory alternatives and wrote the study in Appendix A while under contract with the Montana Energy Advisory Council under the direction of then Lieutenant Governor Bill Christiansen. After completing the study, I helped draft several pieces of legislation for the 1977 session to consider. The following chapters are an account and analysis of the legislative action taken on the proposed legislation. The paper concludes with a discussion of alternatives for future development of Montana's siting program

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© Copyright 1977 Gail Kuntz